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Friday, 25 November 2011

MG university btech Computer science and engineering s3 syllubus

S3 Computer Science Engineering
EN010301 B Engineering Mathematics II
2-2-0 (CS, IT) credits 4

Mathematical logic (12 hours)
Basic concept of statement , logical connectives, Tautology and logical equivalence – Laws of algebra
of propositions – equivalence formulas – Tautological implications (proof not expected for the above
laws , formulas and implications). Theory of inference for statements – Predicate calculus –
quantifiers – valid formulas and equivalences – free and bound variables – inference theory of
predicate calculus

Number theory and functions (12 hours)
Fundamental concepts – Divisibility – Prime numbers- relatively prime numbers – fundamental
theorem of arithmetic – g.c.d - Euclidean algorithm - properties of gcd (no proof) – l c m – Modular
Arithmetic – congruence – properties – congruence class modulo n – Fermat’s theorem – Euler’s
Totient functions - Euler’s theorem - Discrete logarithm
Function – types of functions – composite functions – inverse of a function – pigeon hole principles

Relations (10 hours)
Relations – binary relation – types of relations – equivalence relation –partition –equivalence classes
– partial ordering relation – Hasse diagram - poset

Lattice (14 hours)
Lattice as a poset – some properties of lattice (no proof) – Algebraic system – general properties –
lattice as algebraic system – sublattices – complete lattice – Bounded Lattice - complemented Lattice
– distributive lattice – homomorphism - direct product

Graph Theory (12 hours)
Basic concept of graph – simple graph – multigraph – directed graph- Basic theorems (no proof) .
Definition of complete graph , regular graph, Bipartite graph, weighted graph – subgraph –
Isomorphic graph –path – cycles – connected graph.- Basic concept of Eulergraph and Hamiltonian
circuit – trees – properties of tree (no proof) - length of tree – spanning three – sub tree – Minimal
spanning tree (Basic ideas only . Proof not excepted for theorems)

1. S.Lipschutz, M.L.Lipson – Discrete mathematics –Schaum’s outlines – Mc Graw Hill
2. B.Satyanarayana and K.S. Prasad – Discrete mathematics & graph theory – PHI
3. Kenneth H Rosen - Discrete mathematics & its Application - Mc Graw Hill
4. H. Mittal , V.K.Goyal, D.K. Goyal – Text book of Discrete Mathematics - I.K.
International Publication
5. T. Veerarajan - Discrete mathematics with graph theory and combinatorics - Mc Graw

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills
(Common to all branches)
Teaching scheme
2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1)
.. To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.
Module I (7 hours)
Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques
Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems
faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds

Module II (6 hours)
Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNC’s in the Indian economy Globalisationnecessity-
consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings
The information technology industry in India-future prospects

Module III (6 hours)
Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive
and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax system- tax evasionreasons
for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financingrole-
problems associated with deficit financing

Module IV (5 hours)
National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national
income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects
of inflation-government measures to control inflation

Module V (6 hours)
International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of
disequilibrium in India’s BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and
TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry

Text Books
1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd.
2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd.
1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press
3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India
4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
.. To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students
.. To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and
professional contexts
.. To equip them with the components of different forms of writing

MODULE – 1 (15 hours)
Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal,
Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication
skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group
Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills

MODULE – II (15 hours)
Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix,
prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writing- Types of
Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal
evaluation for 1 credit.

17. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma,
S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007
18. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod
Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010
19. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House
limited, 2008
20. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing
company limited, 2008

CS010 303: Problem Solving and Computer Programming
(Common with IT010 306)
.. To impart the basic concepts of problem solving using a computer.
.. To learn about the structure of C programming language.

Module I ( 10 hours)
Problem solving: Steps in Computer programming – Features of a good program – Problem
solving using Algorithms and Flowcharts.
C fundamentals: Character set, Constants, Identifiers, keywords, basic data types, Variables,
Operators, Expressions, Statements, Input and Output statements – Structure of a C program
– simple programs.

Module II ( 13 hours)
Control statements: if, if-else, nested if – switch – while – do-while – for – break & continue
– nested loops.
Single dimensional arrays – defining an array, array initialisation, accessing array elements –
Programs for sequential search, bubble sort, binary search.
Multidimensional arrays – defining a two dimensional array, array initialisation, accessing
elements – Programs for matrix processing.

Module III ( 12 hours)
Strings: declaring a string variable, reading and displaying strings, string related library
functions – Programs for string matching and sorting.
Functions: Function definition, function call, function prototype, parameter passing, void
function – Recursion – Passing array to function.
Macros: Defining and calling macros – Difference between macro & function.
Teaching scheme Credits:4
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Module IV ( 13 hours)
Structures: defining a structure variable, accessing members, array of structures, passing
structure to function.
Unions: difference with structure, defining union variable, accessing members.
Pointers: declaration, operations on pointers, passing pointer to a function, accessing array
elements using pointers, processing strings using pointers, pointer to pointer, array of
pointers, pointer to array, pointer to function, pointer to structure, self referential structure.

Module V ( 12 hours)
Files: Different types of files in C – Opening & Closing a file – Writing to and Reading from
a file – Processing files – Library functions related to file – fseek(), ftell(), ungetc(), fread(),
fwrite() – Dynamic memory allocation.
Storage Class associated with variables: automatic, static, external and register.
Additional features: Enumerated data type, bitwise operators, typedef.

1. Programming with C - Byron S. Gottfried, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Computer Programming in C - Kerninghan & Ritchie, PHI .
3. Programming in C - Stephen C. Kochan, CBS publishers.
4. Programming in C (5e) – E. Balaguruswamy , Mc Graw Hill
5. Let us C – Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB.
6. A Book on C – Al Kelley and Ira Pohl, Addison-Wesley
7. Mastering Turbo C - Stan Kelly Bootle, BPB Publications.
8. Programming and Problem Solving with PASCAL - Micheal Schneider, Wiley
Eastern Ltd. ( Module 1)
9. Pointers in C - Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB
10. The Spirit of C- by Munish cooper, Jaico Books.

CS010 304: Computer Organization
.. To develop a good understanding of a complete computer system through an
integrated approach to hardware, software and processor design.
.. To emphasise on both background theory and actual design.

Module I (10 hours)
CPU - Arithmetic: Signed addition and subtraction –BCD adder –Multiplication – Array
multiplier – Booth’s Algorithm, Division – Restoring and non-restoring division.

Module II (12 hours)
Floating-point arithmetic- addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Decimal arithmeticaddition
subtraction, multiplication, division. ALU - design of arithmetic, logical, arithmetic
logical unit

Module III (14 hours)
Control Logic Design – Control Organization – Hardware control, Microprogram control
(design for specific problems)– Microprogram sequencer, Horizontal and vertical micro

Module IV (12 hours)
Memory: - Memory hierarchy –Principle of inclusion-memory interleaving techniques. Disk
memory - Data organisation on disk-Disk performance –Disk caching. Main memory-SRAM,
DRAM, ROM –Associative memory, Scratchpad memory-Cache memory –Levels of Cache-
Mapping techniques, Associative, Direct, and Set Associative-Main memory update policies.

Module V (12 hours)
Virtual Memory:-Overlay-Need for virtual memory-Address translation-Translation Look
Aside Buffer-Relocation techniques-static, dynamic-Paged memory-Page table, Page frame
data table-Segmented memory-Paged segments.
Teaching scheme Credits:4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Reference Books
1. M.Morris Mano- Computer System Architecture- PHI- Third Edition-2006
2. M.Morris Mano – Digital Logic and Computer Design - PHI -2004
3. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat –Computer Organization-McGrawHill-
Fifth Edition
4. David A.Patterson,John L.Hennessy-Computer Organization and Design-MKArm
5. V.Carl Hamacher,Zvonko G. vranesic,Safwat G.Zaky-Computer Organization-
McGrawHill-Fourth Edition
6. Behrooz parhami-Computer Architecture-Oxford University Press

(Common with IT010 304)
To introduce the principles of Logic Systems and Circuits, thereby enabling the student to
obtain the platform for studying Computer Architecture and Design.

Module 1: (14 Hrs)
Number Systems and Codes:- Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number systems,
Codes- BCD, Gray Code, Excess-3 Code, ASCII, EBCDIC, Conversion between various
Switching Theory:- Boolean Algebra- Postulates and Theorems, De’ Morgan’s Theorem,
Switching Functions- Canonical Forms- Simplification of Switching Functions- Karnaugh
Map and Quine Mc-Clusky Methods.

Module 2: (12 Hrs)
Combinational Logic Circuits:- Review of Basic Gates- Universal Gates,Adders, Subtractors,
Serial Adder, Parallel Adder- Carry Propagate Adder, Carry Lookahead Adder, Carry Save
Adder, Comparators, Parity Generators, Decoder and Encoder, Multiplexer and
Demultiplexer, PLA and PAL.

Module 3(12 Hrs)
Sequential Logic Circuits:- Latches and Flip Flops- SR, JK, D, T and MS Flip Flops,
Asynchronous Inputs.
Clocked Sequential Circuits:- State Tables State Equations and State Diagrams, State
Reduction and State Assignment, Design of Clocked Sequential Circuits using State
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module 4: (10 Hrs)
Counters and Shift Registers:- Design of Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters:- Binary,
BCD, Decade and Up/Down Counters , Shift Registers, Types of Shift Registers, Counters
using Shift Registers- Ring Counter and Johnson Counter.

Module 5(12 Hrs)
Fault Tolerance and Diagnosis : Concepts of Fault and Hazards- Fault Tolerance in
Combinational Circuits- Fault Table, Fault Detection methods-Boolean Difference and Path
Sensitizing Methods-
Digital ICs- Digital Logic Families- Characteristics- Introduction to RTL, TTL,ECL, MOS
and CMOS Logics.

Reference Books
1. Zvi Kohavi Switching and Finite Automat theory, Tata McGrwHill
2. Morris Mano Digital Logic and Computer Design ,Prentice Hall of India
3. Floyd T.L. Digital Fundamentals , Universal Bookstall
4.Biswas N.N. Logic System Theory Prentice Hall of Inia
5.Leach D. Malvino A.P. & Saha – Digital Principles and Applications- Tata McGraw
6.Tau b ,Helbert abd Schilling, Digital Integrated Electronics TMH

CS010 306(EC): Electronics Devices and Circuits
.. To impart the basic concepts of discrete integrated electronics
.. To develop understanding about the working and operation of various circuits using
discrete and integrated components.

Module I (12hours)
Power supplies: Half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers- L, C, LC and .. filters (working
only)- Zener voltage regulator, transistor series and shunt voltage regulator, voltage regulator
ICs, 78XX and 79XX series

Module II (12hours)
Transistor Amplifiers: Bipolar transistor models and characteristics, current and voltage
characteristics, BJT as a switch, BJT circuits at DC, Need for biasing, Q point selection,
Concepts of load line, Bias stability, Biasing in BJT amplifier circuits, Small signal operation
and model, transconductance, single stage BJT amplifiers

Module III (12hours)
Integrated Circuits: Operational Amplifier, Simplified model, Ideal OP-Amp approximation
and characteristics, Non inverting amplifier, Inverting amplifier, OP-Amp characteristics,
Voltage follower, Difference Amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier, Summation amplifier

Module IV (12hours)
Feedback: Concept of feedback, positive and negative feedback, types of feedback, Effect of
feedback on amplifier performance, Stability of feedback circuits
Oscillators: Condition for oscillators, General form of oscillator circuit, RC phase shift
oscillators, Wein bridge oscillator using OP-Amp, Working of Hartley, Colpitt’s and crystal
Teaching scheme Credits:4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module V (12hours)
RC circuits: Response of high pass and low pass RC circuits to sine, step, pulse and square
inputs, clipping and clamping circuits, RC integrator and differentiator, Working of astable,
mono-stable and bi-stable multivibraors using OP-Amp, Working of Schmitt trigger, 555
timer and its application.

Reference Books
1. Integrated Electronics – Milman , Halkias – TMH
2. Microelectronic circuits – Sedra , Smith – Oxford university press
3. Fundamentals of microelectronics – B Razavi - Wiley
4. Design with Op-Amp and analog integrated circuits – S Franco – TMH
5. Pulse, digital and switching waveforms – Milman, Taub - TMH

CS010 307(P): Programming Lab
.. To acquaint the students with the fundamentals of programming.
.. To provide the students with good knowledge in C programming and develop
problem solving skills.
1. Familiarisation with computer system compliers, editors and operating systems etc.
2. Familiarisation with office packages
3. Programming experiments in C to cover input output statements, control statements,
functions, string, arrays, Structures, pointers and files.
4. Programes to find factorial, Fibonacci series, palindrome, matrix operations, sort a set of
names, search etc.
Any experiment according to the syllabus of CS010 303 can be substituted.
Teaching scheme Credits:2
3 hours practical per week

To provide an introduction to Logic Systems Design thereby giving a hands on
experience on working with digital ICS ,which enable the study Computer System
1. Familiarization of Logic Gates and Realization of Logic Circuits using basic Gates.
2. Design and implementation of Arithmetic Circuits:- Half Adder, Full Adder, n bit
Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Look ahead Adder, BCD Adder
3. Study of Flip Flops:- implementation of RS, JK, D, T and MS Flip Flops
4. Design and implementation of Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters, UP/DOWN
5. Design and Implementation of Shift Registers, Counters using Shift Registers – Ring
Counter and Johnson Counter
6. Study of Multiplexers , Demultiplexers, Encoder and Decoder
7. Design of Comparators and Parity Generators.
Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours Practical per week

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