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Monday, 28 November 2011

Q6)Write a program to add 2 matrices?

Author: Sanif S S 

void main()
 int m1[20][20],m2[20][20],s[20][20],i,j,m,n,p,q;
 printf("\nenter the order of the first matrix : ");
 scanf("%d %d",&m,&n);
 printf("\nenter the order of the second matrix : ");
 scanf("%d %d",&p,&q);
  printf("\n\nenter the elements of first matrix : ");
  for(i=0;i  for(j=0;j  scanf("%d",&m1[i][j]);
  printf("\nenter the elements of second matrix : ");

  for(j=0;j  scanf("%d",&m2[i][j]);
  printf("\n\nfirst matrix : \n");
  for(i=0;i  {
   for(j=0;j   printf(" %d ",m1[i][j]);
  printf("\nsecond matrix : \n");
   for(j=0;j   printf(" %d ",m2[i][j]);printf("\n");
printf("\nsum of the two matrices :\n");
  for(i=0;i  {
   for(j=0;j   {
    printf(" %d ",s[i][j]);
  printf("\n\n\naddition not possible");

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Friday, 25 November 2011

MG university btech Computer science and engineering s3 syllubus

S3 Computer Science Engineering
EN010301 B Engineering Mathematics II
2-2-0 (CS, IT) credits 4

Mathematical logic (12 hours)
Basic concept of statement , logical connectives, Tautology and logical equivalence – Laws of algebra
of propositions – equivalence formulas – Tautological implications (proof not expected for the above
laws , formulas and implications). Theory of inference for statements – Predicate calculus –
quantifiers – valid formulas and equivalences – free and bound variables – inference theory of
predicate calculus

Number theory and functions (12 hours)
Fundamental concepts – Divisibility – Prime numbers- relatively prime numbers – fundamental
theorem of arithmetic – g.c.d - Euclidean algorithm - properties of gcd (no proof) – l c m – Modular
Arithmetic – congruence – properties – congruence class modulo n – Fermat’s theorem – Euler’s
Totient functions - Euler’s theorem - Discrete logarithm
Function – types of functions – composite functions – inverse of a function – pigeon hole principles

Relations (10 hours)
Relations – binary relation – types of relations – equivalence relation –partition –equivalence classes
– partial ordering relation – Hasse diagram - poset

Lattice (14 hours)
Lattice as a poset – some properties of lattice (no proof) – Algebraic system – general properties –
lattice as algebraic system – sublattices – complete lattice – Bounded Lattice - complemented Lattice
– distributive lattice – homomorphism - direct product

Graph Theory (12 hours)
Basic concept of graph – simple graph – multigraph – directed graph- Basic theorems (no proof) .
Definition of complete graph , regular graph, Bipartite graph, weighted graph – subgraph –
Isomorphic graph –path – cycles – connected graph.- Basic concept of Eulergraph and Hamiltonian
circuit – trees – properties of tree (no proof) - length of tree – spanning three – sub tree – Minimal
spanning tree (Basic ideas only . Proof not excepted for theorems)

1. S.Lipschutz, M.L.Lipson – Discrete mathematics –Schaum’s outlines – Mc Graw Hill
2. B.Satyanarayana and K.S. Prasad – Discrete mathematics & graph theory – PHI
3. Kenneth H Rosen - Discrete mathematics & its Application - Mc Graw Hill
4. H. Mittal , V.K.Goyal, D.K. Goyal – Text book of Discrete Mathematics - I.K.
International Publication
5. T. Veerarajan - Discrete mathematics with graph theory and combinatorics - Mc Graw

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills
(Common to all branches)
Teaching scheme
2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1)
.. To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.
Module I (7 hours)
Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques
Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems
faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds

Module II (6 hours)
Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNC’s in the Indian economy Globalisationnecessity-
consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings
The information technology industry in India-future prospects

Module III (6 hours)
Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive
and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax system- tax evasionreasons
for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financingrole-
problems associated with deficit financing

Module IV (5 hours)
National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national
income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects
of inflation-government measures to control inflation

Module V (6 hours)
International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of
disequilibrium in India’s BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and
TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry

Text Books
1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd.
2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd.
1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press
3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India
4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
.. To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students
.. To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and
professional contexts
.. To equip them with the components of different forms of writing

MODULE – 1 (15 hours)
Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal,
Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication
skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group
Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills

MODULE – II (15 hours)
Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix,
prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writing- Types of
Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal
evaluation for 1 credit.

17. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma,
S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007
18. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod
Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010
19. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House
limited, 2008
20. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing
company limited, 2008

CS010 303: Problem Solving and Computer Programming
(Common with IT010 306)
.. To impart the basic concepts of problem solving using a computer.
.. To learn about the structure of C programming language.

Module I ( 10 hours)
Problem solving: Steps in Computer programming – Features of a good program – Problem
solving using Algorithms and Flowcharts.
C fundamentals: Character set, Constants, Identifiers, keywords, basic data types, Variables,
Operators, Expressions, Statements, Input and Output statements – Structure of a C program
– simple programs.

Module II ( 13 hours)
Control statements: if, if-else, nested if – switch – while – do-while – for – break & continue
– nested loops.
Single dimensional arrays – defining an array, array initialisation, accessing array elements –
Programs for sequential search, bubble sort, binary search.
Multidimensional arrays – defining a two dimensional array, array initialisation, accessing
elements – Programs for matrix processing.

Module III ( 12 hours)
Strings: declaring a string variable, reading and displaying strings, string related library
functions – Programs for string matching and sorting.
Functions: Function definition, function call, function prototype, parameter passing, void
function – Recursion – Passing array to function.
Macros: Defining and calling macros – Difference between macro & function.
Teaching scheme Credits:4
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Module IV ( 13 hours)
Structures: defining a structure variable, accessing members, array of structures, passing
structure to function.
Unions: difference with structure, defining union variable, accessing members.
Pointers: declaration, operations on pointers, passing pointer to a function, accessing array
elements using pointers, processing strings using pointers, pointer to pointer, array of
pointers, pointer to array, pointer to function, pointer to structure, self referential structure.

Module V ( 12 hours)
Files: Different types of files in C – Opening & Closing a file – Writing to and Reading from
a file – Processing files – Library functions related to file – fseek(), ftell(), ungetc(), fread(),
fwrite() – Dynamic memory allocation.
Storage Class associated with variables: automatic, static, external and register.
Additional features: Enumerated data type, bitwise operators, typedef.

1. Programming with C - Byron S. Gottfried, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Computer Programming in C - Kerninghan & Ritchie, PHI .
3. Programming in C - Stephen C. Kochan, CBS publishers.
4. Programming in C (5e) – E. Balaguruswamy , Mc Graw Hill
5. Let us C – Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB.
6. A Book on C – Al Kelley and Ira Pohl, Addison-Wesley
7. Mastering Turbo C - Stan Kelly Bootle, BPB Publications.
8. Programming and Problem Solving with PASCAL - Micheal Schneider, Wiley
Eastern Ltd. ( Module 1)
9. Pointers in C - Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB
10. The Spirit of C- by Munish cooper, Jaico Books.

CS010 304: Computer Organization
.. To develop a good understanding of a complete computer system through an
integrated approach to hardware, software and processor design.
.. To emphasise on both background theory and actual design.

Module I (10 hours)
CPU - Arithmetic: Signed addition and subtraction –BCD adder –Multiplication – Array
multiplier – Booth’s Algorithm, Division – Restoring and non-restoring division.

Module II (12 hours)
Floating-point arithmetic- addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Decimal arithmeticaddition
subtraction, multiplication, division. ALU - design of arithmetic, logical, arithmetic
logical unit

Module III (14 hours)
Control Logic Design – Control Organization – Hardware control, Microprogram control
(design for specific problems)– Microprogram sequencer, Horizontal and vertical micro

Module IV (12 hours)
Memory: - Memory hierarchy –Principle of inclusion-memory interleaving techniques. Disk
memory - Data organisation on disk-Disk performance –Disk caching. Main memory-SRAM,
DRAM, ROM –Associative memory, Scratchpad memory-Cache memory –Levels of Cache-
Mapping techniques, Associative, Direct, and Set Associative-Main memory update policies.

Module V (12 hours)
Virtual Memory:-Overlay-Need for virtual memory-Address translation-Translation Look
Aside Buffer-Relocation techniques-static, dynamic-Paged memory-Page table, Page frame
data table-Segmented memory-Paged segments.
Teaching scheme Credits:4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Reference Books
1. M.Morris Mano- Computer System Architecture- PHI- Third Edition-2006
2. M.Morris Mano – Digital Logic and Computer Design - PHI -2004
3. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat –Computer Organization-McGrawHill-
Fifth Edition
4. David A.Patterson,John L.Hennessy-Computer Organization and Design-MKArm
5. V.Carl Hamacher,Zvonko G. vranesic,Safwat G.Zaky-Computer Organization-
McGrawHill-Fourth Edition
6. Behrooz parhami-Computer Architecture-Oxford University Press

(Common with IT010 304)
To introduce the principles of Logic Systems and Circuits, thereby enabling the student to
obtain the platform for studying Computer Architecture and Design.

Module 1: (14 Hrs)
Number Systems and Codes:- Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number systems,
Codes- BCD, Gray Code, Excess-3 Code, ASCII, EBCDIC, Conversion between various
Switching Theory:- Boolean Algebra- Postulates and Theorems, De’ Morgan’s Theorem,
Switching Functions- Canonical Forms- Simplification of Switching Functions- Karnaugh
Map and Quine Mc-Clusky Methods.

Module 2: (12 Hrs)
Combinational Logic Circuits:- Review of Basic Gates- Universal Gates,Adders, Subtractors,
Serial Adder, Parallel Adder- Carry Propagate Adder, Carry Lookahead Adder, Carry Save
Adder, Comparators, Parity Generators, Decoder and Encoder, Multiplexer and
Demultiplexer, PLA and PAL.

Module 3(12 Hrs)
Sequential Logic Circuits:- Latches and Flip Flops- SR, JK, D, T and MS Flip Flops,
Asynchronous Inputs.
Clocked Sequential Circuits:- State Tables State Equations and State Diagrams, State
Reduction and State Assignment, Design of Clocked Sequential Circuits using State
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module 4: (10 Hrs)
Counters and Shift Registers:- Design of Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters:- Binary,
BCD, Decade and Up/Down Counters , Shift Registers, Types of Shift Registers, Counters
using Shift Registers- Ring Counter and Johnson Counter.

Module 5(12 Hrs)
Fault Tolerance and Diagnosis : Concepts of Fault and Hazards- Fault Tolerance in
Combinational Circuits- Fault Table, Fault Detection methods-Boolean Difference and Path
Sensitizing Methods-
Digital ICs- Digital Logic Families- Characteristics- Introduction to RTL, TTL,ECL, MOS
and CMOS Logics.

Reference Books
1. Zvi Kohavi Switching and Finite Automat theory, Tata McGrwHill
2. Morris Mano Digital Logic and Computer Design ,Prentice Hall of India
3. Floyd T.L. Digital Fundamentals , Universal Bookstall
4.Biswas N.N. Logic System Theory Prentice Hall of Inia
5.Leach D. Malvino A.P. & Saha – Digital Principles and Applications- Tata McGraw
6.Tau b ,Helbert abd Schilling, Digital Integrated Electronics TMH

CS010 306(EC): Electronics Devices and Circuits
.. To impart the basic concepts of discrete integrated electronics
.. To develop understanding about the working and operation of various circuits using
discrete and integrated components.

Module I (12hours)
Power supplies: Half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers- L, C, LC and .. filters (working
only)- Zener voltage regulator, transistor series and shunt voltage regulator, voltage regulator
ICs, 78XX and 79XX series

Module II (12hours)
Transistor Amplifiers: Bipolar transistor models and characteristics, current and voltage
characteristics, BJT as a switch, BJT circuits at DC, Need for biasing, Q point selection,
Concepts of load line, Bias stability, Biasing in BJT amplifier circuits, Small signal operation
and model, transconductance, single stage BJT amplifiers

Module III (12hours)
Integrated Circuits: Operational Amplifier, Simplified model, Ideal OP-Amp approximation
and characteristics, Non inverting amplifier, Inverting amplifier, OP-Amp characteristics,
Voltage follower, Difference Amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier, Summation amplifier

Module IV (12hours)
Feedback: Concept of feedback, positive and negative feedback, types of feedback, Effect of
feedback on amplifier performance, Stability of feedback circuits
Oscillators: Condition for oscillators, General form of oscillator circuit, RC phase shift
oscillators, Wein bridge oscillator using OP-Amp, Working of Hartley, Colpitt’s and crystal
Teaching scheme Credits:4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module V (12hours)
RC circuits: Response of high pass and low pass RC circuits to sine, step, pulse and square
inputs, clipping and clamping circuits, RC integrator and differentiator, Working of astable,
mono-stable and bi-stable multivibraors using OP-Amp, Working of Schmitt trigger, 555
timer and its application.

Reference Books
1. Integrated Electronics – Milman , Halkias – TMH
2. Microelectronic circuits – Sedra , Smith – Oxford university press
3. Fundamentals of microelectronics – B Razavi - Wiley
4. Design with Op-Amp and analog integrated circuits – S Franco – TMH
5. Pulse, digital and switching waveforms – Milman, Taub - TMH

CS010 307(P): Programming Lab
.. To acquaint the students with the fundamentals of programming.
.. To provide the students with good knowledge in C programming and develop
problem solving skills.
1. Familiarisation with computer system compliers, editors and operating systems etc.
2. Familiarisation with office packages
3. Programming experiments in C to cover input output statements, control statements,
functions, string, arrays, Structures, pointers and files.
4. Programes to find factorial, Fibonacci series, palindrome, matrix operations, sort a set of
names, search etc.
Any experiment according to the syllabus of CS010 303 can be substituted.
Teaching scheme Credits:2
3 hours practical per week

To provide an introduction to Logic Systems Design thereby giving a hands on
experience on working with digital ICS ,which enable the study Computer System
1. Familiarization of Logic Gates and Realization of Logic Circuits using basic Gates.
2. Design and implementation of Arithmetic Circuits:- Half Adder, Full Adder, n bit
Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Look ahead Adder, BCD Adder
3. Study of Flip Flops:- implementation of RS, JK, D, T and MS Flip Flops
4. Design and implementation of Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters, UP/DOWN
5. Design and Implementation of Shift Registers, Counters using Shift Registers – Ring
Counter and Johnson Counter
6. Study of Multiplexers , Demultiplexers, Encoder and Decoder
7. Design of Comparators and Parity Generators.
Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours Practical per week
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MG university b tech 1st year syllubus

Syllabus for combined Ist & IInd Sem
(Common for all branches)
Teaching Scheme Credits: 5
2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
·         To impart mathematical background for studying engineering subjects.

MODULE I (18 hours) - MATRIX
Elementary transformation – echelon form – rank using elementary transformation by reducing in to echelon
form – solution of linear homogeneous and non – homogeneous equations using elementary transformation.
Linear dependence and independence of vectors – eigen values and eigen vectors – properties of eigen values
and eigen vectors(proof not expected) – Linear transformation – Orthogonal transformation –
Diagonalisation – Reduction of quadratic form into sum of squares using orthogonal transformation – Rank,
index, signature of quadratic form – nature of quadratic form
Partial differentiation : chain rules – statement of Eulers theorem for homogeneous functions – Jacobian –
Application of Taylors series for function of two variables – maxima and minima of function of two variables
(proof of results not expected)
Double integrals in cartesian and polar co-ordinates – change of order of integration- area using double
integrals – change of variables using Jacobian – triple integrals in cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates
– volume using triple integrals – change of variables using Jacobian – simple problems.
Linear differential equation with constant coefficients- complimentary function and particular integral –
Finding particular integral using method of variation of parameters – Euler Cauchy equations- Legenders
Laplace Transforms – shifting theorem –differentiation and integration of transform – Laplace transforms of
derivatives and integrals – inverse transform – application of convolution property – Laplace transform of
unit step function – second shifting theorem(proof not expected) – Laplace transform of unit impulse
function and periodic function – solution of linear differential equation with constant coefficients using
Laplace Transform.
1. Erwin Kreyszig ;Advanced Engineering Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd
2. Grewal B.S ;Higher Engineering Mathematics ,Khanna Publishers
3. N. P. Bali ;Engineering Mathematics ,Laxmi Publications Ltd
4. Goyal & Gupta ; Laplace and Fourier Transforms
5. Dr. M.K.Venkataraman ;Engineering Mathematics Vol. I,National Publishing Co.
6. Dr. M.K.Venkataraman Engineering Mathematics Vol. 2, National Publishing Co
7. T.Veerarajan ,Engineering Mathematics for first year, Mc Graw Hill
8. S.S.Sastry Engineering Mathematics Vol. I,Prentice Hall India
9. S.S.Sastry Engineering Mathematics Vol. 2, Prentice Hall India
10.B.V. Ramana Higher Engineering Mathematics, Mc Graw Hill
Teaching Scheme Credits: 4
I hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
·         To provide students knowledge of physics of a problem and an overview of physical
Lasers- Principle of laser- Absorption- Spontaneous emission- Stimulated emission- Characteristics of laser -
Population inversion- Metastable states- Pumping- Pumping Methods- Pumping Schemes- 3 level and 4 level
pumping- Optical resonator- Components of laser- Typical laser systems like Ruby laser- He-Ne laser-
Semiconductor laser- Applications of laser-
Holography- Basic principle -Recording and reconstruction- comparison with ordinary photography-
Applications of Hologram
Introduction to nanoscale science and technology- nanostructures-nanoring, nanorod, nanoparticle,
nanoshells- Properties of nanoparticles- optical, electrical, magnetic, mechanical properties and quantum
confinement- Classification of nanomaterials- C60, metallic nanocomposites and polymer nanocomposites-
Applications of nanotechnology
B. Superconductivity- Introduction- Properties of super conductors- Zero electrical resistance- Critical
temperature- Critical current- Critical magnetic field- Meissner effect- Isotope effect- Persistence of current-
Flux quantization - Type I and Type II superconductors- BCS Theory (Qualitative study) – Josephson effect-
D.C Josephson effect- A.C Joseph son effect- Applications of superconductors.
A. Crystallography – Space lattice- Basis- Unit cell- Unit cell parameters- Crystal systems- Bravais lattices-
Three cubic lattices-sc, bcc, and fcc- Number of atoms per unit cell- Co-ordination number- Atomic radius-
Packing factor- Relation between density and crystal lattice constants- Lattice planes and Miller indices-
Separation between lattice planes in sc- Bragg’s law- Bragg’s x-ray spectrometer- Crystal structure analysis.
Liquid crystals- Liquid crystals, display systems-merits and demerits- Metallic glasses- Types of metallic
glasses (Metal-metalloid glasses, Metal-metal glasses) – Properties of metallic glasses (Structural, electrical,
magnetic and chemical properties)
Shape memory alloys- Shape memory effect, pseudo elasticity
A. Ultrasonics- Production of ultrasonics- Magnetostriction method – Piezoelectric method- Properties of
ultrasonics- Non destructive testing- Applications
B. Spectroscopy- Rayleigh scattering (Qualitative) - Raman effect – Quantum theory of Raman effect-
Experimental study of Raman effect and Raman spectrum- Applications of Raman effect
C. Acoustics- Reverberation- Reverbaration time- Absorption of sound- Sabine’s formula(no derivation)-
Factors affecting acoustics properties
Principle and propagation of light in optical fibre- Step index (Single Mode and Multi Mode fibre) and
graded index fibre- N.A. and acceptance angle—Characteristics of optical fibres (Pulse dispersion,
attenuation, V-number, Bandwidth-distance product) –
Applications of optical fibres- Fibre optic communication system (Block diagram)- Optical fibre sensors
(any five) – Optical fibre bundle.
1) A Text book of Engineering Physics – M.N.Avadhanulu and P.G.Kshirsagar
S.Chand& Company Ltd.
2) Nanomaterials- A.K.Bandhopadyaya – New Age International Publishers
3) Engineering Physics – A. Marikani
4) Engineering materials –V Rajendran and Marikani-Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
5) Engineering physics- Dr. M Arumugam - Anuradha Agencies
6) Nano ; The Essentials- T. Pradeep
7) Material Science-M Arumugham- Anuradha Agencies
8) Lasers and Non-Linear optics By B.B Laud- New Age International (P) Limited
EN010 103 Engineering Chemistry & Environmental Studies
(Common to all branches)
Teaching scheme Credits:4
1hr lecture and 1hr tutorial per week (total 60 hrs)
·          To impart a scientific approach and to familiarize the applications of chemistry in the field of
·         To create an awareness about the major environmental issues for a sustainable development.
Module 1 Electrochemical Energy Systems (13 hrs)
Electrochemical cells - Galvanic cell - Daniel cell – EMF - determination by potentiometric method - Nernst
equation – derivation- Single electrode potential-Types of electrodes-Metal/metal ion electrode, Metal/metal
sparingly soluble salt electrode, Gas electrode and Oxidation/reduction electrode - Reference electrodes -
Standard hydrogen electrode and Calomel electrode - Glass electrode – Determination of pH using these
electrodes - Concentration cell – Electrolytic concentration cell without transfer - Derivation of EMF using
Nernst equation for concentration cell - Cells and Batteries - Primary and secondary cells - Lead acid
accumulator, Ni-Cd cell, Lithium–MnO2 cell and Rechargeable Lithium ion cell – Polarization –
Overvoltage - Decomposition potential - Numerical problems based on Nernst equations and pH
Module 2 Corrosion and Corrosion Control (10 hrs)
Introduction - Types of corrosion – Chemical and Electrochemical corrosion – Chemical corrosion –
Oxidation corrosion, By other gases and Liquid metal corrosion – Pilling-Bedworth rule - Electrochemical
corrosion – Mechanism - absorption of O2 and evolution of H2 - Types of electrochemical corrosion-
Galvanic corrosion, Concentration cell corrosion, Differential aeration corrosion, Pitting corrosion, Waterline
corrosion and Stress corrosion - Factors influencing the rate of corrosion - Nature of the metal and Nature of
the environment - Corrosion control methods – Selection of metal and proper design, Cathodic protection
(Sacrificial anodic protection and Impressed current cathodic protection), Modifying the environment,
corrosion inhibitors and Protective coating - Metallic coating – Anodic coating and cathodic coating - Hot
dipping (Galvanizing and Tinning), Electroplating, Electroless plating, Metal spraying, Metal cladding
Cementation- sheradizing - chromizing- calorizing and Vacuum metallization - Non-metallic coating -
Module 3 Engineering Materials (13 hrs)
High polymers – Introduction - Degree of polymerization – Functionality – Tacticity - Types of
polymerization (mechanisms not required) – Addition, Condensation and Copolymerization - Glass
transition temperature-(Tg) Definition only, Compounding and moulding of plastics - Compression,
Injection, Extrusion, Transfer and Blow moulding.
Fiber Reinforced Plastics - Glass reinforced plastics (GRP) - Manufacturing methods - Hand lay up, Spray
up and Filament winding - properties and uses.
Conducting Polymers – Polyacetylene and Polyaniline - Applications (mechanism not required)
Rubber - Natural rubber – Properties – Vulcanization - Synthetic rubber - Preparation, properties and uses of
Polyurethane rubber, NBR and Silicone rubber.
Carbon Nanotubes - Single walled (SWCNT) and Multi walled (MWCNT) - Properties and uses.
Module 4 Environmental Pollution (12 hrs)
Pollution - Types of pollution – a brief study of the various types of pollution - Air pollution - Sources and
effects of major air pollutants – Gases - Oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur – Hydrocarbons –
Particulates -Control of air pollution - Different methods - Water pollution - Sources and effects of major
pollutants - Inorganic pollutants- heavy metals cadmium , lead, mercury - Ammonia, Fertilizers and
Sediments (silt) - Organic pollutants – Detergents, pesticides, food waste, - Radioactive materials - Thermal
pollutants - Control of water pollution - General methods
Eutrophication - Definition and harmful effects
Desalination of water - Reverse osmosis and Electrodialysis
Module 5 Environmental Issues (12 hrs)
An overview of the major environmental issues - Acid rain – Smog - Photochemical smog - Green house
effect - Global warming and climate change - Ozone layer depletion – Deforestation - Causes and effects -
Wet land depletion – Consequences, Biodiversity – importance and threats, Soil erosion - Causes and
effects, Solid waste disposal -Methods of disposal - Composting, Landfill, and Incineration, E-Waste
disposal - Methods of disposal –recycle( recovery) and reuse
Renewable energy sources - Solar cells – Importance - Photo voltaic cell - a brief introduction
Bio fuels - Bio diesel and Power alcohol.
Note: This course should be handled and examination scripts should be evaluated by the faculty members of
Text Books
1. A text book of Engineering Chemistry - Shashi Chawla, Dhanpat Rai and Co.
2. A text book of Engineering Chemistry - Jain & Jain 15th edition .
3. A text book of Engineering Chemistry – S. S. Dhara.
4. Modern Engineering Chemistry – Dr. Kochu Baby Manjooran. S.
1. Chemistry - John E. McMurry and Robert C. Fay, Pearson Education.
2. Polymer science –V. R. Gowariker, New Age International Ltd.
3. A text book of polymer - M. S. Bhatnagar Vol I, II,& III, S. Chand publications.
4. Nano materials – B. Viswanathan, Narosa publications.
5. Nano science & Technology – V. S. Muralidharan and A. Subramania, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.
6. Nanotechnology - Er. Rakesh Rathi, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
7. Environmental Studies - Benny Joseph (2nd edition), Tata Mc Graw Hill companies.
8. Environmental Chemistry - Dr. B. K. Sharma, Goel publishers.
9. Environmental Chemistry – A. K. De, New age International Ltd.
10.Industrial Chemistry – B. K. Sharma, Goel publishers.
11.Engineering Chemistry – O. G. Palanna, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
(Common to all branches)
Teaching Scheme Credits: 6
3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
25. To develop analytical skills to formulate and solve engineering problems.
Module I ( 23 hrs)
Introduction to Mechanics – Basic Dimensions and Units – Idealization of Mechanics – Rigid Body –
Continuum – Point force – Particle – Vector and Scalar quantities.
Principles of Statics – Force Systems – Coplanar, Collinear, Concurrent and Parallel – Free body diagrams –
Resolution of forces – Moment of a Force – Varignon’s Theorem – Couple – Resolution of a force into force
couple system – Conditions of static equilibrium of Rigid bodies – Solutions of problems using scalar
Force Systems in Space – Introduction to Vector approach – Elements of Vector algebra – Position vector –
Moment of a Force about a Point and Axis – Resultant of Forces – Equilibrium of forces in space using
vector approach
Module II (23 hrs)
Principle of Virtual work – Elementary treatment only – application of virtual work in beams, ladders
Centroid of Lines, Areas and Volumes – Pappus Guldinus Theorems
Moment of Inertia of laminas – Transfer theorems – radius of Gyration – problems
Centre of Gravity – Mass moment of Inertia of circular and rectangular plates – solid rectangular prisms –
Cylinders – Cones
Module III (23 hrs)
Friction – Laws of friction – Contact friction problems – ladder friction – Wedge friction – Screw friction.
Introduction to Structural Mechanics – Types of Supports, loads, frames – Static Indeterminacy – Support
reactions of beams – Analysis of perfect trusses by method of joints, method of sections.
Module IV (28hrs)
Kinematics – Rectilinear motion of a particle under Variable Acceleration
Relative Velocity - problems
Circular motion with Uniform and Variable Acceleration – Relations between Angular and Rectilinear
motion – Normal and Tangential accelerations
Combined motion of Rotation and Translation – Instantaneous centre of zero velocity – Wheels rolling
without slipping
Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations – Free vibrations – Simple Harmonic motion
Module IV (23 hrs)
Kinetics of particles – Newton’s laws of Motion of Translation – D’Alembert’s Principle – Motion of
connected bodies – Work Energy Principle – Principle of Momentum and Impulse – Collision of Elastic
Newton’s laws of Rotational motion – Angular Impulse and Torque – Conservation of Angular Momentum –
Centrifugal and Centripetal forces – Applications – Work done and Power by Torque and Couple.
13. Engineering Mechanics – S. Timoshenko, D.H. Young & J. V. Rao – Tata Mc Graw Hill
14. Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics – Irving H Shames, G Krishna Mohana Rao –
Pearson Edutcation
15. S. Rajasekararn & G.Sankarasubramanian, Engineering Mechanics, Vikas Publishing Co.
16. Engineering Mechanics – Prof.J.Benjamin, Pentex Publishers
17. Engineering Mechanics – G. S. Sawhney PHI Learning Private Ltd. New Delhi
18. Engineering Mechanics – K. L. Kumar, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
Teaching Scheme Credits: 6
I hour lecture and 3 hour drawing per week
·         To provide students of all branches of engineering with fundamental knoeledge of engineering drawing
·         To impart drawing skills to students
MODULE 1 (24 hours)
Introduction to Engineering Graphics: Drawing instruments and their uses-familiarization with current BIS
code of practice for general engineering drawing.
Scales-Plain scales-Diagonal Scales-Forward and Backward Vernier Scales.
Conic Sections:-Construction of conics when eccentricity and distance from directrix are given .Construction
of ellipse (1) given major axis and foci (2) given major axis and minor axis (3)given a pair of conjugate
diameters (4) by the four centre method. Construction of parabola given the axis and base. Construction of
hyperbola-(1) given the asymptotes and a point on the curve. (2) Given ordinate, abscissa and transverse axis.
Construction of rectangular hyperbola. Construction of tangents and normals at points on these curves.
Miscellaneous curves:-Cycloids, Inferior and superior Trochoids-Epicycloid-Hypocycloid-Involute of circle
and plain figures-Archimedian Spiral and Logarithmic Spiral- Tangents and normals at points on these
MODULE 2 (24 hours)
Orthographic projections of points and lines:-Projections of points in different quadrants-Projections of
straight lines parallel to one plane and inclined to the other plane-straight lines inclined to both the planestrue
length and inclination of lines with reference planes using line rotation and plane rotation methods –
Traces of lines.
Orthographic projections of planes-Polygonal surfaces and circular lamina.
MODULE 3 (24 hours)
Orthographic projections of solids:-Projections of prisms , cones ,cylinders ,pyramids ,tetrahedron
,octahedron and spheres with axis parallel to one plane and parallel or perpendicular to the other plane-the
above solids with their axes parallel to one plane and inclined to the other plane –axis inclined to both the
reference planes-use change of position method OR auxiliary method.
Sections of solids:-Sections of prisms ,cones , cylinders ,pyramids ,tetrahedron and octahedron with axis
parallel to one plane and parallel or perpendicular or inclined to the other plane with section planes
perpendicular to one plane and parallel , perpendicular or inclined to the other plane –True shapes of
MODULE 4 (24 hours)
Developments of surfaces of (1)simple solids like prisms ,pyramids , cylinder and cone (2) sectioned regular
solids (3)above solids with circular or square holes with their axes intersecting at right angles.-Developments
of funnels and pipe elbows.
Isometric Projections:-Isometric Scales-Isometric views and projections of plane figures,simple&truncated
solids such as prisms, pyramids, cylinder, cone, sphere, hemisphere and their combinations with axis parallel
to one the planes and parallel or perpendicular to the other plane.
MODULE 5 (24 hours)
Perspective projections:-Perspective projections of prisms,pyramids,cylinder and cone with axis parallel to
one plane and parallel or perpendicular or inclined to the other plane by visual ray method OR vanishing
point method
Intersection of surfaces:-Intersection of prism in prism &cylinder in cylinder-Axis at right angles only.
1. Engineering Graphics-Unique Methods easy solutions-K.N Anilkumar
2. Engineering Graphics-P I Varghese.
3. Engineering Drawing-N D Bhatt
4. Engineering Graphics-P S Gill
5. Engineering Graphics-T S Jeyapoovan.
(Common to all branches)
Teaching scheme: Credits: 4
1 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
To familiarize all engineering students with the basic concepts of civil engineering so that they can
perform better in this great profession “Engineering”.
Module 1 (12 hours)
Introduction to civil engineering : various fields of civil engineering- Engineering materials: Cement –
Bogues compounds, manufacture of Portland cement-wet and dry process, grades of cement, types of
cement and its uses – steel– types of steel for reinforcement bars ,structural steel sections,built-up
sections,light gauge sections. Aggregates: Fine aggregate:- pitsand, riversand, M- sand--Coarse aggregate:
natural and artificial , requirements of good aggregates. Timber: varieties found in Kerala – seasoning and
preservation. Bricks: classification, requirements, tests on bricks.
Module 2 (12 hours)
Cement mortar- preparation and its uses– concrete –ingredients, grades of concrete – water cement ratio,
workability, curing, ready mix concrete. Roofs - roofing materials -A. C, aluminium, GI, fibre, tile,
reinforced concrete (brief description only)- reinforcement details of a one way slab, two way slab and
simply supported beams.
Module 3 (12 hours)
Building Components: Foundation: Bearing capacity and settlement - definitions only-footings- isolated
footing , combined footing - rafts, piles and well foundation , machine foundation (Brief description only).
Superstructure: Walls - brick masonry – types of bonds , English bond for one brick -stone masonry-
Random Rubble masonry.
Module 4 (12 hours)
Surveying: Classification –principles of surveying- chain triangulation- instruments used, field work –
bearing of survey lines –WCB and reduced bearing -Leveling: field work - reduction of levels - height of
instrument method.
Introduction to total station- basic principles of remote sensing, GPS and GIS.
Module 5 (12 hours)
Site plan preparation for buildings (Sketch only) – Kerala Municipal Building Rules (1999)-general
provisions regarding site and building requirements – coverage and floor area ratio – basic concepts of
“intelligent buildings” and “green buildings”- disposal of domestic waste water through septic tank and
soak pit. Classification of roads- basics of traffic engineering – road markings , signs, signals and islands,
road safety-accidents, causes and remedies– (brief description only)
1. Jha and Sinha, Construction and foundation Engineering, Khanna Publishers
2. Punmia B. C., Surveying Vol –I, Laxmi Publications
3. Rangwala, Building Materials, Charotar Book stall
4. K. Khanna ,C. E. G. Justo., Highway Engineering, Khanna Publishers
5. Nevile., Properties of Concrete, Mc Graw Hill
6. B C Punmia.,Basic Civil Engineering, Khanna Publishers
7. Kerala Municipal Building Rules – 1999
EN010 107 Basic mechanical engineering
(Common to all branches)
Teaching scheme Credits- 4
1hour lecture and1hour tutorial per week
To impart basic knowledge in mechanical engineering
Module 1(12 hours)
Thermodynamics: Basic concepts and definitions, Gas laws, specific heat –Universal gas constant-
Isothermal, adiabatic and polytrophic processes, work done, heat transferred, internal energy and entropy -
Cycles: Carnot, Otto and Diesel- Air standard efficiency.
Basic laws of heat transfer (Fourier’s law of heat conduction, Newton’s law of cooling Steffen Boltzmann’s
Module 2 (12 hours)
I.C. Engines: Classification of I.C Engines, Different parts of I.C engines, Working of two stroke and four
stroke engines-petrol and diesel engines-air intake system, exhaust system, fuel supply system, ignition
system, lubrication system, cooling system and engine starting system-Performance of I.C. engines,
advantage of MPFI and CRDI over conventional system.
Refrigeration: Unit of refrigeration, COP, Block diagram and general descriptions of air refrigeration system,
vapour compression and vapour absorption systems- Required properties of a refrigerant, important
refrigerants– Domestic refrigerator- Ice plant.
Air conditioning system: Concept of Air conditioning, psychometry, psychometric properties, psychometric
chart, psychometric processes, human comfort– winter and summer air conditioning systems (general
description), air conditioning application.
Module 3 (12 hours)
Power transmission elements: Belt Drive - velocity ratio of belt drive, length of belt, slip in belt- simple
problems– Power transmitted– Ratio of tensions– Centrifugal tension Initial tension– Rope drive, chain drive
and gear drive-Types of gear trains (simple description only).
Module 4 (12 hours)
Power plants: General layout of hydraulic, diesel, thermal and nuclear power plants-nonconventional energy
sources (general description only).
Hydraulic turbines and pumps : Classifications of hydraulic turbines –types of hydraulic turbines –runaway
speed, specific speed, draft tube, cavitations, selection of hydraulic turbines .Classification of pumps–
positive displacement and rotodynamic pumps (description only)- applications
Steam turbines: Classification of steam turbines, description of common types of steam turbines: Impulse and
reaction, compounding methods.
Module 5 (12 hours)
Simple description of general purpose machines like lathe, shaping machines, drilling machines, grinding
machines and milling machines, Basic concepts of CNC, DNC, CIM and CAD/CAM
Manufacturing Processes: Moulding and casting, forging, rolling, welding- arc welding-gas welding
(fundamentals and simple descriptions only)
Text book
1 P.L. Bellany, Thermal Engineering, Khanna Publishes
2 Benjamin J., Basic Mechanical Engineering, Pentex
Reference Books
1 R.C.Patel, Elements of heat engines, Acharya Publishers -
2 G.R Nagapal, Power plant engineering, Khnna publishes
3 P.K.Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill
4 Dr.P.R Modi &Dr.M.S. Seth, Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic Machines, Standard
Book House
EN010 108: Basic Electrical Engineering
(Common to all branches)
Teaching Scheme Credits: 4
I hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
·         To provide students of all branches of engineering with an overview of all the fields of
electrical engineering
·         To prepare students for learning advanced topics in electrical engineering
Module I (10 hours)
Kirchhoff’s Laws – Formation of network equations by mesh current method – Matrix representation –
Solution of network equations by matrix method – Star delta conversion.
Magnetic circuits – mmf, field strength, flux density, reluctance, permeability – comparison of electric and
magnetic circuits – force on current carrying conductor in magnetic filed.
Module II (12 hours)
Electromagnetic Induction – Faraday’s laws – lenz’s law – statically and dynamically induced emf – self and
mutual inductance – coupling coefficient.
Alternating current fundamentals – generation of AC –frequency, period, average and r m s value, form
factor, peak factor, phasor representation – j operator – power and power factor – solution of RLC series and
parallel circuits.
Module III (13 hours)
DC machine – principle of operation of DC generator – constructional details – e m f equation – types of
DC motor – principle of operation of DC motor – back emf – need for starter – losses and efficiency – types
of motors – applications – simple problems.
Transformer – principle of operation – e m f equation Constructional details of single phase and three phase
transformer – losses and efficiency – application of power transformer, distribution transformer, current
transformer and potential transformer.
Module IV (13 hours)
Three phase system – generation of three phase voltage – star and delta system – relation between line and
phase voltages and currents – phasor representation of three phase system - balanced delta connected system
– three wire and four wire system – simple problems. Three phase power measurement – Single wattmeter,
two wattmeter and three wattmeter methods.
Induction motors – principle of operation of three phase induction motors – applications of cage and slip ring
induction motor – single phase induction motors – capacitor start / run, shaded pole – universal motors -
Synchronous generator (Alternator) – principles of operation and types.
Module V (12 hours)
Generation of electric power – types of generation – hydroelectric, thermal and nuclear (Block schematic and
layout only) - Non conventional energy sources – solar, wind, tidal, wave and geothermal.
Transmission – need for high voltage transmission – Transmission voltage – Distribution – Underground
versus overhead – Feeder – Distributor – Service mains – conductor materials – one line diagram of typical
power system.
Requirements of good lighting system – working principle of incandescent lamp, Fluorescent lamp and
mercury vapour lamp-energy efficient lamps (CFL,LED lights) – need for energy management and power
quality – home energy management.
Text Books
1. D.P. Kothari & I.J. Nagrath – Basic Electrical Engineering – Tata McGraw Hill
2. D.C. Kulshreshta – Basic Electrical Engineering - Tata McGraw Hill
3. Hughes – Electrical and Electronic Technology – Pearson Education
Reference Books
1. R.V. Srinivasa Murthy – Basic Electrical Engineering – Sunguine Technical
2. J.B.Gupta – Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering & Electronics – S.K.Kataria
3. V.K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta – Basic Electrical Engineering – S.Chand.
4. Bureau of Engineering Efficiency – Guide book for national certification examination for energy
managers and auditors.
5. Rajendra Prasad – Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Prentice Hall India.
6. Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar & Chackrabarty – A text book on power system engineering – Dhanapt Rai
7. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals – Vincent Del Toro, Pearson Education.
EN010 109: Basic Electronics Engineering and Information Technology
(Common to all branches)
Teaching Scheme Credits: 5
2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
·         To provide students of all branches of engineering with an overview of all the fields of electronics
engineering and information technology
MODULE 1 (18 hours): Basic Circuit Components: Diode: Germanium, Silicon, Zener, LEDs
(working principle only). Forward and reverse characteristics. [2hr.] Rectifiers: Half wave, fullwave ,
Bridge circuits, DC Power supply: Capacitor filter, Zener regulator. [3hrs.] Transistors :Different
configurations - CE characteristics-b and µ, concept of Amplifiers: Common emitter RC coupled
amplifier, Frequency response, Bandwidth.(No analysis required)
Comparison of BJT,FET,MOSFET, IGBT. [2hr.]. Integrated circuits: Advantages, classification of Linear
and Digital ICs. Basics of Op-amps, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers.Family of IC’s(Function
diagram of 7400 & CD4011) [4hrs.] .Specifications of TTL and CMOS.[] –Comparison.
MODULE 2 (18 hours): Basic communication Engineering:Communication: Frequency bands: RF,
VHF, UHF, x, ku, ka, c. Modulation – need for modulation, basic principles of amplitude, frequency and
pulse modulation. [6hrs.]. Block schematic of AM transmitter , Super-hetrodyne receiver, FM receiver.-
function of each block.[3hrs.] .Wireless communication: Satellite Communication-Earth station,
transponder and receiver.Mobile Communication: GSM-BSC, Cell structure, frequency re-use, hands-of,
establishing a call.
MODULE 3 (18 hours):Basic instrumentation and Consumer electronics: Electronic instrumentation:
Transducers: Basic principles of Strain guage, LVDT, Thermistor, Photodiode, Typical moving coil
microphones and Loud speaker.Block diagram of Digital Multimeter .[8hrs].CONSUMER ELECTRONICS:
Basic principles of TV –Interlaced Scanning-Block Diagram of PAL TV receiver(color).Basic principles of
DTH, brief descriptions of MP3,multichannel audio 5.1,7.1.
MODULE 4 (18 hours):Introduction: Definition and Scope of IT-Digital Computer, Von Neumann
Architecture-Basic Operational Concepts-CPU-single Bus and Multi Bus Organization, A typical
Instruction set, Execution of Instructions. Memory and I/O-Main Memory, Virtual Memory-Cache
memory-Secondary Memories-Printers, Plotters, Displays ,Key board, Mouse, OMR and OCR-Device
Interface-I/O Processor-I/O Channel
MODULE 5 (18 hours) :Computer software-System Software and Application Software-Machine
Language-Assembly Language-High Level Language-Language Translators-Operating System, Procedural
Programming and Object Oriented Programming.Computer Networks-Concepts of Networking-Network
Topologies-WAN-LAN-MAN, Protocol-Internet-working concept, Internet Architecture, IP addresses,
Routing, Domain Name System(Basic concepts only)
1.Basic Electronics – Devices, Circuits and IT fundamentals.Santiram Kal,PHI( Module 1to 5)
2. Basic Electronics: Bernad Grob, Mc Graw Hill Publication(Module 1)
3. Electronic Devices: Floyd, Pearson Education (Module 1)
4. Electronic Devices and Circuits: J.B. Gupta,S.K.Kataria & Sons (Module 1 , 2,3)
5. Digital Principles: Malvino & Leach, Mc Graw Hill Publication(Module 1)
6. Electronic Instrumentation: H.S Kalsi, Mc Graw Hill Publication(Module 2)
7. Communication Systems: Sanjay Sharma, S.K.Kataria & Sons (Module 2)
8. Satellite Comunication : Robert M.Gagliardi,CBS Publishers & Distributors.(Module 2)
9.Basic Radio and TV; S.P. Sharma,Tata McGrawhill(Module 2 &3)
10.Wireless Communication; T.S. Rappaport, Pearson(Module 3)
11.Computer Organization, Hamacher, Vranesic and Zaky, Mc Graw Hill (Module 4)
12.Systems Programming, JJ Donovan ,Mc Graw Hill (Module 5)
13.Computer Networks,Andrew.S Tanenbaum,Pearson Education(Module 5)
EN010 110: Mechanical Workshop
(Common to all branches)
Teaching scheme Credits: 1
3 hours practical per week
·         To provide students of all branches of engineering in house experience of basic mechanical
instruments and activities
Carpentry Planing – cutting – chiselling, marking – sawing – cross and tee joints –
dovetail joints – engineering application, Seasoning, Preservation –
Plywood and ply boards.
Fitting Practice in chipping – filing – cutting – male and female joints.
Smithy Forging of square and hexagonal prism. Study of forging principles,
materials and operations.
Foundry Preparation of simple sand moulds – moulding sand characteristics,
materials, gate, runner, riser, core, chaplets and casting defects.
Demonstration and study of machine tools – lathe, drilling, boring, slotting, shaping, milling and grinding
machines, CNC machines and machining centers.
Demonstration and study of arc and gas welding techniques.
EN010 111: Electrical and Civil Workshops
(Common to all branches)
Teaching scheme Credits: 1
3 hours practical per 2 weeks for each
·         To provide students of all branches of engineering in house experience of basic electrical and
civil instruments and activities
Electrical Workshop
1. Wiring and estimation of one lamp and one plug, Control of two lamps in series and in parallel.
2. Staircase wiring.
3. Godown wiring.
4. Insulation megger - earth megger , measurement of insulation resistance and earth
resistance .Study of volt meter, ammeter , watt meter and energy meter.
5. Working principle and wiring of Fluorescent , CFL and Mercury vapour lamp .
6. Study and wiring of distribution board including power plug using isolator, MCB and ELCB –
Estimation of a typical 1BHK house wiring system.
7. Familiarization , soldering, testing and observing the wave forms on a CRO of a HW and
FW Uncontrolled Rectifier (using diodes) with capacitor filter.
8. Observing the wave forms on a CRO of Experiment 7 without capacitor filter and find
the average and RMS value of the voltage waveform.
9. Visit your college substation and familiarize the supply system, Transformer, HT Panel and
Distribution etc.
Civil Workshop
Masonry : English bond – Flemish bond – wall junction – one brick – one and a half brick –
two brick and two and a half brick – Arch setting.
Plumbing: Study of water supply and sanitary fittings – water supply pipe fitting – tap
connections – sanitary fittings – urinal, wash basin – closet (European and
Indian), Manholes.
Surveying: Study of surveying instruments – chain – compass – plane table – levelling –
minor instruments. Demonstration of Theodolite and Total Station.
Familiarization of latest building materials : Flooring materials – Roofing materials –
Paneling boards.
Read more

Q5)write a program to generate sine and cosine series?

Author: Sanif S S 

void main()
 float term,termc,sum=0,sumc=0,x,k=0,j=1;
 int n,c,i;
 printf("1.sine series\n2.cosine series\n");
 printf("enter your choice\n");
 printf("enter the angle in degree\n");
 printf("enter the number of terms\n");
  case 1:
    printf("sum of the sine series=%f\n",sum);
  case 2:
    printf("sum of the cosine series=%f",sumc);
    printf("invalid choice");
Read more

Q4)Write a program to generate fibonacci series

Author: Sanif S S 

void main()
 int n,i=1,f1=0,f2=1,f3;
 printf("enter a number\n");
 printf("fibonacci series of%d numbers",n);
Read more

Q3)Write a program to check wheather the given number is amstrong or not

Author: Sanif S S 

void main()
 int n,c,t,s=0;
 printf("enter a number\n");
  printf("the number is armstrong");
  printf("the number is not armstrong");
Read more

Q2)write a c programme to find solution for quadratic equation?

Author: Sanif S S 

void main()
 int a,b,c;
 float d,r1,r2;
 printf("enter coefficients of equation\n");
 scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c);
   printf("not possible");
    printf("roots are real and equal\n");
   printf("roots are real and distinct\n");
   printf("r1=%f \nr2=%f",r1,r2);
   printf("roots are imaginary\n");
   printf("r1=%f+i %f \nr2=%f-i %f",r1,r2,r1,r2);
Read more

Q1) write a program to impliment simple calculator?

Author: Sanif S S 

void main()
 int a,b,c,m,ch,n;
 printf("simple calculator\n");
  printf("main menu");
  printf("\n 1.addition \n 2.subtraction");
  printf("\n 3.multiplication \n 4.division\n");
  printf("enter your choice\n");
    case 1:
     printf("enter 2 no\n");
     scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
    case 2:
     printf("enter 2 no\n");
     scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
    case 3:
     printf("enter 2 no\n");
     scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
   case 4:
     printf("enter 2 no\n");
     scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
      printf("division not possible\n");
      printf("invalid choice\n");
  printf("if you wants to continue press 1 other wise press any key\n");
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