Teaching scheme:
Credits: 4
3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
Engineering is one of the important disciplines of Civil Engineering involving
the study of behaviour and engineering properties of soil.
The objective of
the course is to present different laws and principles of Soil Mechanics so
that the strength and settlement of the foundation soil can be evaluated.
1 (15 Hours)
Soil formation and soil types: Residual soil and
transported soil-Soil structure-
Basic structural units of clay minerals. Simple soil
properties: three phase systems
- void ratio - porosity - degree of saturation -
moisture content - specific gravity -
unit weight relationships.
Laboratory and field identification of soils: Determination
of water content,
specific gravity, determination of field density by core
cutter and sand
replacement method, grain size analysis by sieve,
hydrometer analysis
- Atterberg limits and indices - field identification of
Classification of soils: Principles of classification - I.
S. classification - plasticity
2 (13 Hours)
Permeability of soils: Darcy’s law - factors
affecting - constant head
and falling head test - permeability of stratified
deposits. soil- water system -
classification of soil water - capillarity of soils -
principles of effective stress.
Seepage of soils: seepage pressure, critical
hydraulic gradient - quick
sand condition - flownet diagram for isotropic and
anisotropic soils
3 (10 Hours)
Shear strength: Shear strength parameters - Mohr’s
circle – Mohr Coulomb
strength theory -direct, triaxial, unconfined and vane
shear tests- Drainage
conditions - UU, CD and CD tests - choice of test
conditions for field problems -
measurement of pore pressure-critical void ratio and
liquefaction. - Activity ,sensitivity
and thixotropy
4 (12 Hours)
Compaction: Objects of compaction - proctor test
and modified proctor test -
concept of OMC and Max. dry density - Zero air void line -
factors affecting
compaction - effect of compaction on soil properties -
field methods-.of
compaction - control of compaction.
Stability of slopes: types of failures of soil
slopes - Analysis of finite slopes
only-Swedish circle method - = 0 analysis and c - analysis. -Taylor’s
stability number and stability charts
5 (10 Hours)
Compressibility and consolidation of soils: void
ratio - pressure relationship -
concept of coefficient of compressibility - coefficient of
volume change and
compression index - normally loaded and pre loaded
deposits - determination of
preconsolidation pressure - Terzaghi’s theory of one
dimensional consolidation -
time rate of consolidation - time factor - degree of
consolidation - square root time
and log time - fitting methods - coefficient of
consolidation - calculation of void
ratio - height of solids methods and change in void ratio
method - settlement
1. Murthy V. N.S, Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering, Nai Sarak, Delhi.
2. Gopal Ranjan and A .S .R .Rao, Basic and Applied Soil
Mechanics, New Age
International Publishers.
3. Punmia B. C., Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering, Laxshmi
Publications, New Delhi.
4. Arora K. R., Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,
Standard Publishers,
5. V. Narasimha Rao and Venkatramaiah, Numerical Problems,
Examples and
Objective Questions in Geotechnical Engineering, Orient
LongMan Publishers.
6. Lambe & Whitman, Soil
Mechanics, John Wiely Publications
7. S. K. Garg, Soil Mechanics and
Foundation Engineering, Khanna Publishers.
Teaching Scheme Credit: 4
3 hours lecture and 1hour tutorial per week.
provide a strong foundation in the basics of C-Programming so that students can develop the ability to design
Module I (15 Hours)
Introduction to C: The C character set- identifiers and keywords-
data types-user defined data types-constants and variables-declarations-
operators-expressions-statements-library input-output functions
Control statements: if, if-else, switch, -conditional and comma
Module II (15 Hours)
Iterative statements: ’while’, ’do-while’, for ‘statements-nested loops, break and
continue statements.
Functions: Declarations, definition and access-passing arguments to
a function –pass by value and pass by reference-recursion.
Storage classes: automatic
variables-external variables-register variables-scope and lifetime of
Module III (12 Hours)
Arrays: Single dimensional arrays-multidimensional
arrays-definition-initializing arrays-passing arrays to a function- matrix
operations-addition, transpose and multiplication.
Strings: definition –string handling function-comparison,
concatenation and sorting of strings
Module IV (10 Hours)
Structures and union: definition –initialization-accessing
structure members-array of structures-passing structure to a function –sorting
of structures –binary files-reading and writing of data blocks-union.
Dynamic memory allocation - self
referential structures - basic concepts of linked lists.
Module V (8 Hours)
Files :File pointers-data files-opening and closing-reading and
writing-appending-error handling function-handling data in blocks-command line
1.B.S. Gotterfield Theory and
Problems of Programming with C.TMH
2. Balaguruswamy, Programming in C, Tata Mc
Graw Hill.
3. Kern Ingham , Ritchie, The C programming
language, Prentice Hall.
4. Byron S Gottfried, Programming with C,
Tata Mc Graw Hill.
5. Y. Kenetker, Let us C, BPB Publications.
6. V. Rajaraman, Programming with C.
7. Y. Kenetker, Exploring C, BPB
Credit: 4
2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week.
- To provide the students with the knowledge of behaviour of
reinforced concrete structural elements in flexure, shear, compression and
tension and to enable them to design such elements.
1 (12 hours)
Working stress method: Introduction-
permissible stresses-factor of safety –
behaviour of R.C.C beams –assumptions-under reinforced –over
reinforced and
balanced sections. Theory of singly and doubly reinforced beams.
2 (12 hours)
Limit state method:
Concepts-assumptions –characteristic strength and load partial safety
factors-limit states-limit state of collapse –limit state of
serviceability. Theory of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular
sections in
flexure-design of simply supported and flanged beams.
3 (15 hours)
Behaviour and design of one way and two way
slabs-Continuous slabs-analysis
using method recommended by BIS -arrangements of reinforcement in
Design of flat slab (Concept only).
4 (8 hours)
Design of columns: Limit
state method- I S specifications-design of columns
with lateral and helical reinforcement-members subjected to
combined axial load
and bending.
5 (13 hours)
Design of footings-Isolated
footing with axial and eccentric loading-combined
footing. Stair cases-introduction to different types-design of
simply supported
flights-cantilever steps.
Note: Sketches only required for reinforcement details. Detailed
drawing in drawing sheets not required.
1. Relevant IS codes. (I.S 456, I.S 875,SP 16)
2. Park R and Pauloy T, Reinforced concrete structures, John Wiely
& sons Inc.
3. Purushothaman P, Reinforced concrete structural
elements-Behaviour, Analysis
and Design, Tata McGraw
Hill publishing company Ltd.
4. Unnikrishna Pillai S. & D.Menon, Reinforced concrete
design, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing company Ltd.
5. Mallick S.K., Reinforced concrete, Oxford & IBH Publishing
6. Varghese P.C., Limit state design of Reinforced concrete,
Printice Hall of India
Pvt Ltd.
7. Ashok .K. Jain, Reinforced concrete- Limit
state design, New Chand & Bose.
8. S.S Bhavikatti, Design of Reinforced
concrete structures, I.K.International Publishing house Pvt.Ltd
Credit: 4
3 hours lecture and 1hour tutorial per week.
To make the students proficient in preparing the rates
and thereby adapting them to estimate the entire project.
1 & 2 (26 Hours.)
Purpose of estimates- different methods-Preparation of detailed
estimates and
abstracts for RCC Single storey buildings - R C. Footings, Columns
– T- Beams.
Preparation of bar bending schedule for R. C. works such as beams
and slabs.
3 (12 hours.)
Preparation of specification for common materials of construction
and its items of
works with reference to IS specifications. Cost of materials at
source - different types of
conveyance and rates - head loads - preparation of conveyance statement- cost
of materials at site.
4 (12 hours)
Analysis of rates for earth works, mortars, RCC Works, plastering,
brick works,
stone works, laterite work, Pointing, form work, flooring - different
types, wood
works - reinforcement works.
5 (10 hours)
Valuation - explanation of terms - material value, rate, years
purchase - freehold
and lease hold purchase - depreciation - methods of calculating
depreciation -
straight line method - constant percentage method, sinking fund
method - and
quantity survey method. Methods of valuation of land - comparative
method -
abstractive method. Methods of valuation of property - rental
method - direct
comparison with capital cost - valuation based on profit -
valuation based on cost
- development method - depreciation method.
1. Schedule of rates, KPWD
2. PWD Data Book
3. Dutta, Estimating and costing,S Dutta & Company, Lucknow
4. Rangawala S.C., Estimating & costing, Charator Anand, Delhi
5. I.S: 1200- 1968 - Methods of measurements of building and civil
Teaching scheme: Credits: 4
3hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
To study the force and displacement methods of structural analysis of indeterminate structures , the influence line diagrams and an introduction to Finite Element Method.
Module 1 (12 hours)
Indeterminate structures- force and displacement methods of structural analysis.
Force method of analysis of indeterminate structures - static indeterminacy
Method of consistent deformation, Clapyron’ s theorem of three moments- analysis of fixed and continuous beams
Module 2 (12 hours)
Displacement method of analysis: Kinematic indeterminacy
Slope deflection method-fundamental equations-analysis of continuous beams & portal frames (with sway and without sway)
Moment distribution method - analysis of continuous beams & portal frames (with sway and without sway).
Module 3 (14 hours)
Matrix methods: Stiffness method-stiffness-equilibrium equation
Direct stiffness method - structure stiffness matrix-assembly of structure stiffness matrix from element stiffness matrix-equivalent joint load – incorporation of boundary conditions –analysis of beams and pin-jointed frames.
Module 4 (10 hours)
Flexibility method: Flexibility –compatibility equation-flexibility influence coefficients – force transformation matrix-flexibility matrix-analysis of beams & frames (rigid and pin-jointed).
Module 5 (12hours)
Finite element method: Introduction to FEM-Historical development-Idealization of actual structures- Boundary conditions. General procedure of FEA-Displacement approach - shape functions
1.Devdas Menon, Structural Analysis, Vol.1&II, Narosa, Chennai.
2. Bhavikatti S.S , Structural Analysis Vol. I, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd.
3. Weaver &Gere, Matrix Analysis of Structures, East West Press.
4. Moshe F. Rubinstein – Matrix Computer Analysis of Structures- Prentice Hall,
5. Meek J.L., Matrix Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill,1971.
6. Reddy C.S., Basic Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.1996.
7. Smith J.C. Structural Analysis, Macmillian Pub.Co.1985.
8. Rajesekharan & Sankarasubramanian,G., Computational Structural Mechanics,
Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
9. Mukhopadhyay M., Matrix Finite Element Computer and Structural Analysis,
Oxford & IBH,1984.
10. Wang C.K.& Solomon C.G., Introductory Structural Analysis, McGrawHill.1968.
11. Pezemieniecki, J.S, Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill Co., 1984
12. Sadhu Sindh, Strength of Materials, Khanna Publishers, 1988.
13. Seeli F.B.&Smith J.P., Advanced Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley &Sons,
14. Norris & Wilbur, Elementary Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill.
15. Junarker S.R., Mechanics of Structures, Vol. II, Charorbar Book Stall.
16.O C Zienkiewicz,.Finite Element Method, fourth Edition,McGraw Hill,
17. R.D.Cook, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley
19. C.S.Krishnamoorthy, Finite Element Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill .New Delhi,
20. S.Rajasekharan, Finite Element Analysis, Wheeler Publishing Co., &Sons.1993.
Teaching Scheme Credit: 2
3 hours Practical per week.
To make the students aware of recent application softwares and to develop programming skills in C language.
List of Experiments:
- Familiarization of computer hardware, peripherals and network components. Study of operating systems like DOS, Windows. Linux etc. Commands for use of files and directives.
- Familiarization with packages like MS Word, MS Excel, and power point.
- Programming examples related to control statements, arrays, structures, functions, pointers and files in accordance with syllabus of C like,
a. Solution of quadratic equations
b .Preparation of conversion tables
c. Summation of series
d. Arrays manipulation
e. Functions
f. Recursive functions
g. String manipulations
h. Matrix operations
i. .Preparation of mark lists of students, bills etc. using structures
j. Input and out using files
k. Simple programs of linked lists and command lime arguments
1. Balaguruswamy, Programming in C, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
2. Kern Ingham , Ritchie, The C programming language, Prentice Hall.
3. Byron S Gottfried, Programming with C, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
4. Y. Kenetker, Let us C, BPB Publications.
5. V. Rajaraman, Programming with C.
Teaching Scheme Credit:2
3 hours practical per week.
To practice the different experiments for determination of index properties and strength of soil and to develop confidence in students to assess the suitability of soil for various construction activities
List of Experiments:
1. Determination of specific gravity, water content and particle size distribution by
hydrometer method / pipette method.
2. Determination of field density of soil by sand replacement method and core cutter
3. Determination of Atterberg limits.
4. Proctor’s compaction tests (light and heavy).
5. Permeability tests for cohesive and cohesionless soil.
6. Direct shear test.
7. Triaxial shear test.
8. Unconfined Compression test.
9. Vane shear Test.
10. Consolidation test.
11. Study on Collection and Field Identification of Soil and Sampling Techniques.
1. Gopal Ranjan and A .S .R .Rao, Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, New Age
International Publishers.
2. Punmia B. C., Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Laxshmi
Publications, New Delhi.
3. Arora K. R., Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Standard Publishers,
4. V. Narasimha Rao and Venkatramaiah, Numerical Problems, Examples and
Objective Questions in Geotechnical Engineering, Orient LongMan Publishers.
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