Samsung India had announced the introduction of three LED TV Series – 6, 7 and 8 in the Indian market. While the Series 6 and 7 are being launched today in 40" and 46" screen sizes, Series 8 will be available in 55" screen size and will be launched in May’09. These new TVs use LEDs as their primary light source, rather than traditional Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps (CCFL). Benefits of using LEDs include ultra-high contrast ratios, slim depths that allow for more artful designs,
plus increased energy savings.
Each of the three Samsung LED HDTV Series for 2009 boast Mega contrast ratios, complements of Samsung’s LED TV Engine. Compared to a traditional CCFL, LEDs do produce darker blacks that appear endlessly deep to the eye. They also have a feature called Ultra Clear Panel, which further claims the preservation of every detail even in brightly-lit, imperfect viewing conditions. Samsung’s entire LED HDTV line-up incorporates a number of features to reduce motion blur and image judder.
At just over an inch thick (1.16 inch or 29.9 mm thickness), the sets remain trim without cutting back on connectivity options and include a built in tuner. Also, Samsung created an ultra-slim wall-mount solution – reducing the gap between the TV and the wall to around 0.6 inches, down from the two inches.
With the USB 2.0 movie feature, it will be possible to view videos and photos from a camcorder, play music from a media player or access multimedia files from a portable drive possible. The DLNA Wireless feature in the Series 7 and 8 lets the user seamlessly watch content from the PC without any wires or cables. The Samsung LED TVs comes with a built in Content Library Flash which includes pre loaded content.
While the Series 6 Samsung LED Full High Definition TVs are priced in the range between Rs. 1,25,000(40”) to Rs. 1,50,000(46”), Series 7 LED TVs are priced in the range between Rs.1,40,000 To Rs.1,80,000. Series 8 LED TV will be available in 55” screen size next month priced at Rs.350,000/-.
plus increased energy savings.
Each of the three Samsung LED HDTV Series for 2009 boast Mega contrast ratios, complements of Samsung’s LED TV Engine. Compared to a traditional CCFL, LEDs do produce darker blacks that appear endlessly deep to the eye. They also have a feature called Ultra Clear Panel, which further claims the preservation of every detail even in brightly-lit, imperfect viewing conditions. Samsung’s entire LED HDTV line-up incorporates a number of features to reduce motion blur and image judder.
At just over an inch thick (1.16 inch or 29.9 mm thickness), the sets remain trim without cutting back on connectivity options and include a built in tuner. Also, Samsung created an ultra-slim wall-mount solution – reducing the gap between the TV and the wall to around 0.6 inches, down from the two inches.
With the USB 2.0 movie feature, it will be possible to view videos and photos from a camcorder, play music from a media player or access multimedia files from a portable drive possible. The DLNA Wireless feature in the Series 7 and 8 lets the user seamlessly watch content from the PC without any wires or cables. The Samsung LED TVs comes with a built in Content Library Flash which includes pre loaded content.
While the Series 6 Samsung LED Full High Definition TVs are priced in the range between Rs. 1,25,000(40”) to Rs. 1,50,000(46”), Series 7 LED TVs are priced in the range between Rs.1,40,000 To Rs.1,80,000. Series 8 LED TV will be available in 55” screen size next month priced at Rs.350,000/-.
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