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Friday, 11 May 2012

How to super hide folders using command prompt without any softwares

We can hide any folders using CMD. Also no one can see it eventhough if we enable to show all the hidden files. 
So here's the tuturial on how to do it:

1. First of all create a folder
2. Go to command prompt
3. To hide the file here is the code type in the cmd:

attrib +s +h "Full path of folder"
[Eg:if you want to hide the folder named "hai" in C drive,Type in CMD as
  attrib +s +h "c:\hai" ]

4. Now the file is hidden . Even if you enable to show the hidden files and folder from Folder option the file will be hidden.
5. To reveal the hidden file here is the code type in the cmd:

attrib -s -h "Full path of folder"
[Eg:attrib -s -h "c:\hai" ]
Now you superhide your folder.

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