(Common to all branches
except CS & IT)
Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific
techniques to decision making problems.
MODULE 1 Function
of Complex variable (12 hours)
functions – Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates – harmonic
and orthogonal properties – construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts – complex
potential – conformal mapping of z2
- Bilinear transformation – cross ratio –
invariant property (no proof) – simple problems

MODULE 2 Complex
integration (12 hours)
Line integral –
Cauchy’s integral theorem – Cauchy’s integral formula – Taylor ’s series- Laurent’s series – Zeros and
singularities – types of singularities – Residues – Residue theorem –
evaluation of real integrals in unit circle – contour integral in semi circle
when poles lie on imaginary axis.
MODULE 3 Numerical
solution of algebraic and transcendental equations (10 hours)
bisection method – Regula –falsi method – Newton –Raphson method - Secant
method – solution of system of linear equation by Gauss – Seidel method
MODULE 4 Numerical
solution of Ordinary differential equations (
10 hours)
MODULE 5 Linear
programming problem (16
Definition of L.P.P., solution,
optimal solution, degenerate solution –
graphical solution –solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only)
Big -M method – Duality in L.P.P. – Transportation problem –Balanced T.P. –
initial solution using Vogel’s approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only)
Ramana – Higher Engg. Mathematics – Mc Graw Hill
, S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman – Complex variables, schanm’s
outline series - Mc Graw Hill
– text book of Engg.Mathematics – Special functions and complex variables –PHI
Grewal – Numerical methods in Engg. and
science - Khanna Publishers
Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co
Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI
and D.S. Hira – Operations Research – S.Chand
Selvam– Operations Research – PHI
– Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II – I.K.International
EI010 502 Industrial Electronics and
to AI010 502 and IC010 502)
Teaching scheme Credits:
3 hours lecture and 1
hour tutorial per week
Module 1
semiconductor Devices-ratings and specification -Power diodes – power
transistor – power MOSFET -
characteristics of SCR, Triac–IGBT – MCT – LASCR – SCR turn on, turn off
characteristics –– thyristor protection circuits – series and parallel operations
of SCR- Thyristor trigger circuits – R ,RL,RC triggering.
Module 2
AC to DC converters – single
phase – three phase – half controlled and fully controlled rectifiers – free
wheeling diodes -free wheeling effect -
effect of source and load inductance – power factor improvement methods
for phase controlled rectifiers- PWM chips:SG3524 and TL 494- dual converters –
cyclo converters.
Module 3
Inverters and voltage source inverters – series, parallel
and bridge inverters – current source inverters – PWM inverters – D.C. chopper
– step up and step down chopper – AC chopper: AC converters: – uninterrupted
power supply (UPS) – ( circuit diagram
approach), rectifier –– inverter – static transfer switch.
DC to DC converters:
choppers: SMPS, battery charger circuits
Module 4
D.C Motor control: phase control,
Single phase SCR drive – Three phase SCR drive – speed control of dc series
motor – Chopper controlled dc drives – PLL control of dc motor, A.C. Motor
control : controlled – slip system – slip power recovery system - stepper motor drive - synchronous motor control.
Module 5
Control circuits for power
electronics: basic schemes for pulse generation using analog and digital ICs.
Single, double and four quadrant systems. Series and parallel operations of
thyristor, cable firing, isolation etc.
Text Books
1. P.S.Bimbhra,
‘Power Electronics’, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2002
2 G.K.Dubey, Doradia, S.R. Joshi and
R.M.Sinha, Thyristorised Power Controllers, New Age International Publishers,
New Delhi, 1996.
M.H.Rashid, Power Electronics – circuits,
devices and applications, PHI, New Delhi, 1995.
Joseph Vithyathi, Power Electronics,
McGraw Hill, USA, 1995.
Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, Power
Electronics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1995.
P.C.Sen, Modern Power Electronics, Wheeler publishers, New
Delhi, 1998
M.D.Singh, K.B. Khanchandani: Power
Electronics, TMH, 1998
EI010 503 Linear Integrated
Circuits and Applications
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
1) To study different
parameters, characteristics of op- Amps
2) To know about the
different applications of op- Amp
3) To give the basic
concepts of special ICs like timers, PLL, regulators etc.
4) To introduce the
theory and applications of ADC and DAC.
Module 1 (12 Hours)
Introduction to op-Amps, Internal
block schematic of op-amp, Op-Amp parameters, measurement of Op-Amp parameters
,Ideal OP-AMP, transfer curve, equivalent circuit, open loop configurations,
frequency response of op-amp, frequency compensation networks, slew rate- methods of improving slew rate.
Module 2 (12 Hours)
Applications of op-Amp: Inverting
and Non-inverting amplifier- Summer-Log and antilog amplifier- Differentiator- Integrator- Instrumentation
amplifier- V/I and I/V converters- V/F and F/V converters – Clippers- Clampers -Precision
rectifiers – Comparators- Applications of comparator- Schmitt trigger – Multivibrators - Waveform generators (Triangular, Sawtooth),
Peak detector, Sample and hold circuit.
Module 3 (12 Hours)
Filters: LPF, HPF, BPF, Notch and All pass filters - I
order and II order filters - Switched capacitor filter.
555 timer: Functional block diagram - Astable
multivibrator - Monostable multivibrator and its applications
RC phase shift and Wein bridge
Module 4 (12 Hours)
PLL- Capture and lock range -
Analog and Digital phase detector - 566 VCO chip- 565 PLL IC- Applications of PLL- Frequency multiplication and division, AM
DAC: Weigted resistor, R-2R
ladder network, Current steering, Charge scaling DACs, Cyclic DAC, Pipeline
ADC: Dual slope, Counter ramp, Successive
approximation, Flash ADC, Pipeline ADC, Over sampling ADC.
Module 5 (12 Hours)
Specialized ICs and applications:
Voltage regulator ICs- 78xx and 79xx series, 317 Variable regulators, Switching
regulators, LM 380 Power amplifier, Intercom using LM 380, Isolation amplifier,
Opto coupler ICs.
Text Books:
1. Ramakant A.Gayakward, ‘Op-amps and
Linear Integrated Circuits’, Pearson Education, / PHI.
2. D.Roy Choudhary, Sheil B.Jani,
‘Linear Integrated Circuits’, New Age,.
1. Robert F.Coughlin, Fredrick
F.Driscoll, ‘Op-amp and Linear ICs’, Pearson Education, /PHI.
2. David
A.Bell, ‘Op-amp & Linear ICs’, Prentice Hall of India.
3. K R Botkar :
Integrated circuits , Khanna Publishers.
4. Baker R Jacob: CMOS circuit design, layout and simulation,
504 Transducer Engineering
Teaching scheme Credits:
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
1) This course
introduces the various types of transducers and their working principle.
2) To give an insight
about classification and characteristics of transducers
3) To have an adequate
knowledge in passive transducers.
4) To
obtain a basic knowledge in active and digital transducers and exposure to
other special transducer.
Module 1 (12 Hours)
Definition of Transducers- Role
of transducers in instrumentation- Advantages of electrical transducers -
Classification of transducers- Analog and Digital, Active and passive, Primary
and Secondary transducers- Inverse transducer- Sensitivity and specification
for transducers - Characteristics and
Choice of transducer-Factors influencing choice of transducer.
Module 2 (12 Hours)
Passive transducers: Principle of
operation, Construction details, Characteristics and applications of Resistance
potentio meter- Strain gauge- Resistance thermometer- Thermistor- Hot wire
anemometer- Piezo resistive sensor.
Induction potentiometer- Variable
reluctance transducer- EI pick up- LVDT- RVDT. Capacitive transducers –
Variable air gap, Variable area, Variable permittivity- Capacitor microphone-
Frequency response- Merits, Demerits and Uses.
Module 3 (12 Hours)
Active transducers: Principle of operation, Construction details,
Characteristics and Applications of Thermo electric transducers- Piezo electric
transducers- Magnetostrictive transducers- Hall effect transducers- Electro
mechanical transducers – optical transducers - Photo electric transducers- Pyro
electric radiation detectors. Merits and
demerits- Frequency response.
Module 4 (12 Hours)
Digital transducers:
Construction, Operation and features of Digital transducers- Digital
displacement transducer- Frequency domain transducer- Digital encoder- Magnetic
encoder- shaft encoder – optical encoder -
Digital pots – Digital tacho meters- Drag cup tachometric generator-
Transducer oscillators- Eddy current
Module 5 (12 Hours)
Special transducers: Semiconductor sensor- Ionization transducer-
Geiger muller and Scintillation counters-
Ultrasonic transducer- colour sensor- Proximity sensors- Indigent
instruments - Smart sensors-Smart transmitters - IC sensor-
Fiber optic transducer-SQUID sensors- Film sensors - Nano sensors-
- Introduction to MEMS.
1. D V S Murthy,
Transducers and Instrumentation, prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
2. A.K. Sawhney, A course
in mechanical measurements and instrumentation., Dhanpat Rai.
3. B S Sonde, Transducers
and Display Systems, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
4. Patranabis, D,
Sensors and Transducers, Wheeler Publishing Co., Ltd. New Delhi
5. Renganathan, S., Transducer Engineering, Allied Publishers,
6. Alan S Morris: Measurement and instrumentation principles.
7. Hermann K.P. Neubert, ‘Instrument Transducers’, Oxford
University Press
EI010 505 Control Engineering I
(Common to AI010 505)
Teaching scheme Credits:
2 hours lecture and 2 hour
tutorial per week
1) To
give the fundamental concept of the analysis and design techniques of control
systems by transfer function approach.
2) To get an adequate
knowledge in the time response of systems and steady state error analysis.
3) To learn the concept
of stability of control system and methods of stability analysis.
4) To study the three
ways of designing compensation for a control system.
5) To get an exposure
to MAT lab programs for control system analysis.
Module 1 (12 Hours)
System modeling - Transfer
function approach :
Introduction to control system –
Classification of control systems. Principles of automatic control- Feed back
systems –Practical examples – Transfer function – Transfer function of
electrical, mechanical and electromechanical system – Block diagram – Signal
flow graph – Mason’s gain formula.
Module 2 (12 Hours)
Time domain analysis :
Standard test signals - Response
of systems to standard test signals – Step response of second order systems in
detail – Time domain specifications – Steady state response – Steady state
error- Static & Dynamic error coefficients- MAT lab programs for time
domain analysis.
Module 3 (12 Hours)
Stability of linear systems in
time domain – Routh’s criterion of stability. Root locus - Construction of root
locus – Effect of addition of poles and zeros on root locus-MAT lab programs
for stability analysis.
Module 4 (12 Hours)
Frequency domain analysis :
Frequency response – Frequency domain specifications – Stability in the
frequency domain - Nyquist stability criterion – Stability from polar and Bode
plots - Relative stability – Gain
margin and phase margin – M & N circles – Nichol’s chart – MAT lab programs
for frequency domain analysis.
Module 5 (12 Hours)
Design of compensators:
to design – compensation techniques – Lead, Lag and Lead -Lag compensation
using RC network --Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag compensators using
bode plots.
1. Modern control engineering – Katsuhiko Ogata, Pearson
2. Control systems principles and design: M. Gopal, TMH.
3. Automatic control system – B.C. Kuo, PHI.
4. Control system design: Graham C Goodwin, PHI.
5. Modern Control Systems: Dorf, Pearson Education.
EI010 506 Microprocessors
& Microcontrollers
(Common to AI010
506 and IC010 506)
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour
tutorial per week
1. To Create an
exposure to basic microprocessors, peripherals and its programming.
2. To impart the basic concepts of
advanced microprocessors.
3. To have an adequate
knowledge in 8-bit microcontrollers.
4. To provide the basic
concepts of programming in 8051.
5. To provide basic
knowledge in RISC.
Module 1
Introduction to microprocessors and microcomputers:
Function of microprocessors- architecture of 8085. Intel 8086 Microprocessor -
Internal architecture – Block diagram –8086 memory organization – even and odd
memory banks – segment registers – logical and physical address.
Minimum and maximum mode operation – Interrupt and
Interrupt applications –peripherals–programmable DMA controller-8257 – 8087
math coprocessor-Programmable interrupt controller-8259
Module 2
Addressing modes used in 80x86 family - Data addressing
modes, Program memory addressing modes, Stack memory addressing modes.
Instruction sets of 8086-programming. Architectures of Intel 80286
Microprocessor, 80386 Microprocessor Advanced Intel Microprocessors – 80486
Module 3
Atmel AT89C51 microcontroller – features - pin
configurations - internal block
Schematic. Port
structures .Idle & power down mode - power control register - program
protection modes – flash programming & verification.
Memory organization
- program memory - data memory .Program status word - registers banks. External program & data memory timing
diagrams- I/O port timings – and operation –Direct & indirect addressing
area - Addressing modes.
Module 4
8051 Programming-Machine cycle-Instruction set –
arithmetic - logical and data transfer instructions – Boolean instructions -
program branching instructions - Programming examples Timer0 & Timer1 -
TMOD SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3 – TCON-Programming examples.
Serial interface - SCON SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3-
block schematics baud
rates- power on reset circuit- ONCE mode- on chip
oscillator interrupts - interrupt sources - interrupt enable register
-interrupt priority - interrupt control system - interrupt handling ,single
step operation. Programming examples
Introduction to RISC processors-Microchip PIC16 family –
PIC16F873 processor – features – architecture
1. The 8051 Microcontroller: Muhammad
Ali Mazidi, Pearson Education.
2. The 8051 Microcontroller: Kenneth J
Ayala, Penram International
3. Microprocessors and Architecture:
Ramesh S Goankar
4. Microcomputers and Microprocessors:
John Uffenbeck, PHI
5. Web site of Atmel - www.atmel.com
6. The Microprocessors 6th Edition
Barry B. Brey Pearson Edu.
7. Microprocessor and Interfacing 2nd
Edition Douglous V. Hall TMH
8. The 80x 86 families John Uffenbeck
9. Microchip semiconductor web site – www.microchip.com
10. Design with PIC micro-controllers:
John B Peatman, Pearson Education.
507 Instrumentation lab I
1. Strain
gauge & Load cell characteristics.
2. LDR
and Opto coupler characteristics.
3. Capacitive
& Piezoelectric transducer.
4. Photo
electric & Hall effect transducers.
and Tacho generator Characteristics
6. RTD, Thermocouple
and Thermistor characteristics
7. Measurement
of PH and water conductivity.
8. Characteristics
of stepper motor and servo motor.
9. IC
temperature sensor (AD 590)
10. Measurement
of Speed-contact and Non-contact Types.
11. Design
and testing of Instrumentation amplifier
12. Design
and testing of a temperature control
13. Design of
RC lead, lag, lead - lag compensator.
508 Integrated Circuits Lab
Teaching scheme Credits: 2
3 hours Practical per
1. Op-Amp configurations-Inverter, Non inverter
2. Op- Amp applications-Summer, Subtracter, Integrator,
3. Design and testing of precision rectifier, V/I and
I/V converters.
4. Design and testing of active filters
5. Design and testing of waveform generators using
op-amps----square, triangular
6. Design and testing of multivibrators using 555
7. Simplification of a logic function and
its realization using (1) AND, OR, NOT gates and (2) Universal gates
8. Design and analysis of Adder & Subtracter
9. Design of code converters a) Binary to Gray b) Binary to
excess c) BCD to Decimal
10. Verification of truth tables of JK, RS, D, and T flip flops
11. Study of Digital counters: Ripple counter, Decade counter,
Ring counter
12. Shift registers
13. Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
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