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Saturday, 21 January 2012


EN010501 B   Engineering Mathematics IV

 Teaching scheme                                                                                Credits: 4
 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week                                                                                                                                  
                                                                (CS, IT)                  

Objectives: To use basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in mathmatics and in queueing system.
MODULE 1     Finite differences                                                        (12 hours)
Finite difference operators    - interpolation using Newtons forward and backward formula –Newton’s divided difference formula - Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward  formula – Numerical integration – Trapezoidal rule – Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule
 MODULE 2  Z  transforms                                                               (12 hours)
Definition of  Z  transforms – transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions – shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation – solution of 1st  and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms.
MODULE 3    Discrete numeric functions                                          (12 hours)
Discrete numeric functions – Manipulations of numeric functions- generating functions –Recurrence relations – Linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients – Homogeneous solutions – Particular solutions – Total solution – solution by the method of generating functions.
MODULE 4    Complex integration                                                    (12 hours)
Functions of complex variable – analytic function - Line integral – Cauchy’s integral theorem – Cauchy’s integral formula – Taylor’s series- Laurent’s series – Zeros and singularities – types of singularities – Residues – Residue theorem – evaluation of real integrals in unit circle – contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis.
MODULE 5   Queueing Theory                                                          (12 hours)
General concepts – Arrival pattern – service pattern – Queue disciplines – The Markovian model  M/M/1/ ,  M/M/1/N – steady state solutions – Little’s formula.
1.      C.L.Liu and D.P. Mohapatra – Elements of Discrete Mathematics - Mc Graw Hill
2.      S.Lipschutz, M.L.Lipson – Discrete mathematics –Schaum’s outlines – Mc Graw Hill
3.      B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics – McGraw Hill
4.      Babu Ram – Engg. Mathematics -Pearson.
5.      K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg  -National publishing co
6.      V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory - PHI
7.      S.Bathul – text book of Engg.Mathematics – Special functions and complex variables –PHI
8.      H. Weif HSU – probability, random variables & Random processes – Schaum’s out lines - Mc Graw Hill
9.      T.Veerarajan - probability ,Statistics & Random processes - Mc Graw Hill
10.  H.C.Taneja – Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II – I.K.International


 Teaching scheme                                                                                                                              Credits: 4
 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week                                                                                                                                     


  • To have an in depth knowledge of the architecture and programming of 8-bit and 16-bit Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and to study how to interface various peripheral devices  with them                                                                     

Module 1: (10 hrs)
                  Intel 8086 Microprocessor:- Architecture, Pin Diagram, Register Organization, Memory Organization- Memory Banks- Concept of Segmentation and Physical Address Calculation, Operating Modes- Minimum and Maximum Modes, Timing Diagram- Concepts of T-State, Machine Cycle and Instruction Cycle- Memory Read/ Write Cycles, I/O Read/ Write Cycles.
Module 2: (10 Hrs)
                 Programming with 8086 Microprocessor:- Instruction Set, Assembler Directives, Addressing Modes, Programming Examples, 8086 Interrupts- Hardware and Software Interrupts.
Module 3: (14 Hrs)
                Microprocessor Interfacing:- Memory and I/O Addressing- Memory and I/O Mapped I/O, USART 8251A, Programmable Peripheral Interface 8255, Programmable Interval Timer 8254, Programmable Keyboard./ Display Interface 8279, Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259, Programmable DMA Controller 8257, Hard-disk Interface- SCSI, IDE.
Module 4:(13 Hrs)
                Introduction to Microcontrollers:- Comparison of Microcontroller with Microprocessor, Features of 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, Pin Diagram, I/O  Ports, Addressing Modes, Instruction Set, Programming Examples.
Module 5:( 13 Hrs)
                Memory Organization- External Memory Interfacing, Interrupts and Timers/ Counters- Applications- Interfacing 8051 with Switches, LEDs, Matrix Keyboards, Seven Segment Display, LCDs, Stepper Motor

Text Books:-
1.     Douglas V.Hall Microprocessors and Interfacing Tata MCGraw Hill
2.     Muhammad Ali Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller Pearson Education.

      1.    Brey B.B., The Intel Microprocessors - Architecture, Programming & Interfacing,
  Prentice Hall
   2.    Badri RAM Advanced Microprocessors and Interfacing Tata MCGraw hill
3.        V Udayashankar and M.S. Mallikarajunaswamy 8051 Microcontroller Hardware Software and Applications- Tata McGraw Hill
      4.   Ajay Deshmukh  Microcontrollers( theory and Applications) Tata McGraw Hill.
      5.   Kenneth J Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller Penram International


Module 1                                                                                                                                          (12 Hours)
Introduction to Data Communication-Components, Data Representation, Data Flow. Networks, Network Topologies, Protocols and Standards, Network Models, OSI Model, Layers in OSI Model, IEEE Standards – Ethernet – Token Ring – FDDI –Token Bus – Wireless LAN

Module 2                                                                                                                                          (13 Hours)
Multiplexing - Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) – Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing –Statistical time Division multiplexing – Key Techniques - ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK - Channel capacity - Shannon`s Theorem.

Module 3                                                                                                                                          (13 Hours)
Digital data transmission – Serial, Parallel, Synchronous, Asynchronous and Isochronous transmission. Transmission mode-    Simplex - Half duplex – Full duplex, Noise- different types of noise – Basic Principles of Switching (circuit, packet, message switching)

Module 4                                                                                                                                          (10 Hours)
Terminal handling – Point to point, Multidrop lines. Components of computer communication – Transmission media – Guided media – Twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, fiber optic cable. Digital Subscriber Line, Cable TV Networks.

Module 5                                                                                                                                          (12 Hours)
Media Access Control – SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA – GSM – Architecture, Protocols, Connection Establishment, Frequency Allocation , Localization, Handover, Security – GPRS.

  1. Kennedy,Electronic communication system - Mc Graw Hill.
  2. Taub & Schilling Principles of Communication System - Mc Graw Hill.
  3. Behurouz & Forozan Introduction to Data Communications & Networking –Mc Graw Hill.
  4. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, 2nd edition, Person Education
  5. Fred Halsall Data Communication, Computer Networks & Open Systems    - Pearson Education Asia
  6. Vijay K. Garg Principles & Application of GSM - Pearson Education Asia
  7. A.S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks - PHI
  8. William Stallings,Data and Computer Communication - Pearson Education Asia

IT010 504: Operating Systems
(Common with CS010 505)

 Teaching scheme                                                                                                                              Credits: 4
 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week                                                                                                                                     


·          To understand the fundamental concepts and techniques of Operating Systems.
·          To study the basic structure of Linux system.

Module I (8 hours)
Introduction: Operating System Batch, Multiprogrammed, Time-sharing and Real time systems – Operating system structure – Operating system operations
System Structures: Operating system service System calls – System Programs – System structure Simple structure, Layered approach – Kernel, Shell.

Module II (12 hours)

Process Management: Process concept – Process state, PCB – Process scheduling – Operations on processes – Interprocess communication ­– Multithreading –Benefits, Models
Process Scheduling: Basic concepts – Preemptive scheduling, Dispatcher – Scheduling criteria – Scheduling algorithms – Multiple-processor scheduling.

Module III (16 hours)

Process Synchronization: The Critical-Section problem – Peterson’s solution – Synchronization Hardware – Semaphores – Classic problems of synchronization – Monitors
Deadlocks: System model – Deadlock characterization – Methods for handling deadlocks – Prevention, Avoidance and Detection – Recovery from deadlock.

Module IV (14 hours)
Memory Management: Resident Monitor – Dynamic loading – Swapping – Contiguous memory allocation – Paging – Basic, Multi-level Paging – Segmentation 
Virtual Memory – Demand Paging – Page Replacement algorithms – Allocation of Frames – Thrashing – Cause of thrashing.

Module V (10 hours)
File System: File concept – Access methods – Directory structure – Directory implementation – Linear list, Hash table – Disk scheduling
Case study: Linux system.

 Reference Books

1.   Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B.Galvin and Greg Gagne, “Operating System Concepts”, John    Wiley & Sons Inc, 8th Edition 2010.
2.       D M Dhamdhere, “Operating Systems A Concept-based Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2010.
3.       Achyut S Godbole, “Operating Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2009.
4.       Elmasri, Carrick, Levine, “Operating Systems A Spiral Approach”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, First Edition 2010.
5.       Gary Nutt, “Operating Systems”, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2003.
6.       Andew S. Tanenbaum, “Modern Operating”, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2001.
7.       Promod Chandra P.Bhatt, “An introduction to Operating Systems Concepts and Practice”, PHI,  New Delhi, Third Edition, 2010        
8.       B Prasanalakshmi, “Computer Operating System”, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, First Edition, 2010
9.       D P Sharma, “Foundation of Operating Systems”, EXCEL BOOKS, New Delhi, First Edition 2008
10.   Brian L Stuart, “Operating Systems Principles, Design and Applications”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, First Edition 2009.
11.   Charles Crowley, “Operating Systems A Design Oriented Approach”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, First Edition 2009.
12.   Pabitra Pal Choudhaury, ” Operating Systems Principles and, Design”, PHI, New Delhi, First Edition, 2009


5010 505: Language Translators

·          To understand the different stages of the process of programming language translation

Module I (10 hours)
Introduction to programming language translation - Design of Interpreters,  Incremental Compilers,  assemblers, macro processors, linkers and loaders (Basic Concepts Only) Structure of a compiler- Analysis/Synthesis model of compilation, phases of a compiler, compiler construction tools Lexical Analysis- Interface with input, parser and symbol table, token, lexeme and patterns, difficulties in lexical analysis, error reporting and implementation, Specification and recognition of tokens- Regular Expressions, Regular definitions, Transition diagrams- LEX.

Module II (12 hours)

Syntax Analysis- Compile time error handling- Error detection, reporting, recovery and repair Context free grammars-ambiguity, associativity, precedence Top down parsing- Recursive descent parsing , transformation on the grammars Predictive parsing-simple LL(1) grammar Bottom up parsing- Operator precedence grammars, LR parsers - LR(0), SLR(1), LALR(1)  YACC.

Module III (14 hours)

Syntax Directed Translation- Syntax directed definitions, Inherited and synthesized attribute, dependency graph, e valuation order, bottom up and top down evaluation of attributes, L- and S- attributed definitions Type Checking-Type system, type expressions, structural and name equivalence of types, type conversion, overloaded functions and operators, polymorphic functions Run Time Environments- Storage organisation, activation tree, activation record, parameter passing, symbol table, dynamic storage allocation

Module IV (12  hours)
Intermediate Code Generation- Intermediate representations, translation of declarations, assignments, intermediate code generation for control flow, boolean expressions and procedure calls, implementation issues Code Generation and Instruction Selection- Issues, basic blocks and flow graphs, register allocation, code generation DAG representation of programs- Code generation from DAGs, peephole optimization, code generator generators, specifications of machine

Module V (12 hours)
Code Optimization- Sources of optimizations, Optimization of basic blocks, Loops in flow graphs, global dataflow analysis, Iterative solution of data-flow equations, Code improving transformations, dealing with aliases, dataflow analysis of structured flow graphs.

 Text Books

1.       Aho A.V.,Sethi R, and Ullman J.D. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, Addison-Wesley

Reference Books

  1. V Raghavan, “Priniples of Compiler Design”,Tata McGraw Hill, India, 2010
  2. Allen Holub, “Compiler Design in C”, Prentice Hall of India, 1993
  3. Arthur B. Pyster, “Compiler design and construction: tools and techniques with C and Pascal”, 2nd Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.  New York, NY, USA
  4. Steven S. Muchnick, “Advanced Compiler Design & Implementation”, Morgan Kaufmann Pulishers, 2000
  5. Dhamdhere, “System Programming & Operating Systems”, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, India


IT010 506: Database Management Systems
(Common with CS010 503)

 Teaching scheme                                                                                                                              Credits: 4
 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week                                                                                                                                     


·          To impart an introduction to the theory and practice of database systems.
·          To develop basic knowledge on data modelling and design of efficient relations.
·          To provide exposure to oracle database programming.

Module I             (10 hours)
 Basic Concepts - Purpose of Database Systems- 3 Schema Architecture and Data Independence- Components of DBMS –Data Models, Schemas and Instances-Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model-Entity types, Relationship Types, Weak Entity Types .

Module II            (14 hours)
Relational Model Concepts –Constraints – Entity Integrity and Referential Integrity, Relational Algebra -Select, Project, Operations from Set Theory, Join, OuterJoin and Division - Tuple Relational Calculus.
SQL- Data Definition with SQL - Insert, Delete and Update Statements in SQL, Defining Domains, Schemas and Constraints, Constraint Violations - Basic Queries in SQL - Select Statement, Use of Aggregate functions and Group Retrieval, Nested Queries, Correlated Queries – Views.

Module III           (12 hours)
Oracle Case Study : The Basic Structure of the Oracle System – Database Structure and its Manipulation in Oracle- Storage Organization in Oracle.- Programming in PL/SQL- Cursor in PL/SQL - Assertions – Triggers.
Indexing and Hashing Concepts -: Ordered Indices, Hash Indices, Dense and Sparse Indices, Multi Level Indices, Cluster Index, Dynamic Hashing.

Module IV          (11 hours)
 Database Design– Design Guidelines– Relational Database Design – Functional Dependency- Determination of Candidate Keys, Super Key, Foreign Key, Normalization using Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms based on Primary keys- General Definitions of First, Second and Third Normal Forms. Boyce Codd Normal Form– Multi-valued Dependencies and Forth Normal Form – Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form – Pitfalls in Relational Database Design.

Module V            (13 hours)
Introduction to Transaction Processing- Transactions- ACID Properties of Transactions- Schedules- Serializability of Schedules- Precedence Graph- Concurrency Control – Locks and Timestamps-Database Recovery
Query processing and Optimization- Translating SQL Queries into a Relational Algebra Computing Select, Project and Join
Object Relational Databases-Distributed Databases-Different Types-Fragmentation and Replication Techniques-Functions of DDBMS.

 Reference Books

  1. Elmsari and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia,
     5th Edition, New Delhi, 2008.
  1. Henry F Korth, Abraham Silbershatz , Database System Concepts, Mc Graw Hill
6td Edition, Singapore, 2011.
  1. Elmsari  and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia,
 3rd Edition, New Delhi- for oracle
4.       Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon, Database Management Systems, Leon vikas  
      Publishers, New Delhi.                                                                                                        
5.       Narayanan S, Umanath and Richard W.Scamell, Data Modelling and Database Design,Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2009.
6.       S.K Singh,Database Systems Concepts,Design and Applications, Pearson Education 
     Asia, New Delhi, 2006.
7.       Pranab Kumar Das Gupta, Datbase management System Oracle SQL And 
      PL/SQL, Easter Economy Edition, New Delhi, 2009
8.       C.J.Date , An Introduction to Database Systems,   Pearson Education Asia, 7th Edition, New Delhi.
9.       Rajesh Narang, Database Management Systems, Asoke  K ghosh , PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009.
10.   Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, Database Management Systems, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition , 2003.
11.   Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel, Database Systems, Thomson Course Technology,
     7th Edition, 2007.                                    
12.   Satinder Bal Guptha and Adithya Mittal, Introduction to Database Management 
     System, University Science Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.                                                  
13.   Patrick O’Neil and Elizabeth O’Neil, Database Principles, Programming and
      Performance, Morgan Kaufmann, 2nd Edition, New Delhi,2010 .                                                                   
14.   Ramon A Mata-Toledo and Pauline K Cushman, Schaum’s OUTlines Database
      Management Systems,  Tata Mc Graw Hill , New Delhi, 2007.
15.   Michel Kifer, Philip M. Lewis, Prabin K .Panigrahi and Arthur Bernstein, Database   
      Systems An Application Oriented Approach, Pearson Education Asia,  2nd Edition, 
      New Delhi, 2008.


IT010 507: PC Hardware and Microprocessors Lab

 Teaching scheme                                                                                                                              Credits: 2
 3 hours practical per week                                                                                                                                         


·           To provide experience on assembling and troubleshooting of PC hardware
·          To be able to write microprocessor based programs  and to understand  the interfacing of peripheral devices with the microprocessors

  1. Study of SMPS, TTL and composite type monitor circuits, Emulator, Logic state analyser, Serial port, Parallel port, Mother board, Display adapter card, Hard disk controller, Printer Interface, Keyboard Interface

  1. Identification of components/cards and PC assembling from components.

  1. Trouble shooting and maintenance -Common maintenance problems, Diagnostic software, Diagnostic cards, Designing and Programming add on cards.

  1. Programming with 8086 (Any 3 Experiments including BIOS/DOS Calls, Keyboard Control, Display, File Manipulation).

  1.  Interfacing with 8086-8255,8253.

  1.  Interfacing with 8086-8279,8251.

  1.  ADC interface, Stepper Motor interface using DAC, Parallel Interface- Printer and HEX keyboard, Serial Interface- PC to PC serial interface using MODEM. (Any 2 Experiments)

  1.  8051 Micro controller based experiments – Simple assembly language programs (optional).

  1.  8051 Micro controller based experiments – Simple control applications (optional).

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
50%-Laboratory practical and record
30%- Test/s
20%- Regularity in the class



End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100)
70% -   Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference
30% -   Viva voce


IT010 508: Systems Lab

 Teaching scheme                                                                                                                              Credits: 2
 3 hours practical per week                                                                                                                                         
·          To understand operating system structures and the implementation aspects of various OS functions and schedulers.
·          To be able to design databases, write queries and develop applications.

Part 1: Operating systems
  1. Basic UNIX commands and shell programming
  2. Introduction to the tools providing GUI based human computer interaction (for example Qt.) Automatic generation of code for interaction using visual programming (for example Qt Designer).
  3. Exercises involving the system calls fork(),exec(),create() etc.
  4. Implementation of typical problems such as bounded buffer, dining philosophers etc. by multiprogramming using threads, semaphores and shared memory
  5. Inter-process communication using mailboxes and pipes

Part 2: Database management systems

  1. Familiarization of MySQL database- creation and manipulation of tables.
  2. Analyze a given situation such as Banking, Electricity Billing, Library Management, Payroll,    Insurance ,Inventory, Health Care, Cricket Board Database, College Admission, Question Paper Bank, Hostel Management etc. Design and implement the database. Manipulate the tables using SQL commands.
  3. Develop a 2 tier application for the above situation using a suitable front end.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
50%-Laboratory practical and record
30%- Test/s
20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100)
70% -   Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference
30% -   Viva voce


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